Urban Slayer chassis for sale, 3ds, Hummie, carbon EU

Hi all, time has come to say goodbye to this impressive board.

Selling as is:

Hummie deck, that undergone a full makeover at you know the DUDE, front has an inbedet cable for the lights.
Carbon enclousure.

3ds wheels with evolve tyres, 3ds hangers and gear drives.
Alien motors.

The condition is honestly great, board is made to have a 12s4p of 20700.

Comes with a flipsky 6.6 Vesc.

Shipping inside EU.
Feel free to send a pm if you want specific details or to make an open offer.

I would say 1000€ for starting price.


I remember really liking this board. Going to make someone pretty happy for the price. GLWS!



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Feel free to make an offer, I can promise that the board is in great condition.

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just put a battery in and you can ride.

I would be willing to part the board out.

3ds wheels, trucks and geardrives + motors 400€

Deck+ enclosure 200€

An apsurd price of 450 for the kit.

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Wow. The whole board for this price?

Everything in this post

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I have way too many boards but I will share in my local community

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Still available?

i’d be all over this if I was in the EU :upside_down_face:

Nope, it should arrive to me tomorrow

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Lucky you
Have fun with it and maybe share the final result with us😊

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It has safely made it’s way here and first impression it looks to be in great condition.

The communication could have been a little better but I am satisfied with the purchase :grin: Can’t wait to build it out again! I’m gonna order the cells soon, maaaybe I can even finish it this month

@jamie you can close the thread