Unity internal UART wiring

Can you point me to this? I can set it and build the firmware and flash and test it to see. Im fine with running custom if its the same version im on now.

Found the Github link to the VESC tool. I am using 5.01 firmware. I need to just find out where this is set and compile a new firmware but I see the firmwares listed in the folder and are .bin

The firmware repo is here :

And the baudrate is defined in here (search for HW_UART_P_BAUD, line 51) :

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So I changed the value reconciled and went to custom file and wrote it. Not my unity is not responding and I can’t shut off the board and had to pull the connector. I think it’s bricked :raising_hand_man::sob:

So I changed this value. for 51.

Then did a rebuild_alll

Copied unity/VESC_default.bin to my windows machine
Loaded 2.06 VESC_Tool
Read all defaults
Firmware - Custom Files - Load VESC_default.bin

Device wont shut off with the bottom and had to pull the battery connector. I have ordered a STM link now as I think something is messed up of course.

Any thoughts?


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Sorry, never built the firmware, not sure if there is anything specific to do to get it working.
I don’t think changing the baudrate would cause this kind of issues, so i assume there is something wrong with the build, but I can’t find anything obvious from the build log.
Maybe there is some other setting than the hw files to set in conf_general.h to get it works with the unity ?

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@Nick_Leet3D You commented out the define for HW6 in line 76/77 and commented in the defines for the Unity in lines 137/138 in conf_general.h?

Edit.: Ah, you used the rebuild_all command. Please ignore the conf_general.h comment then. What arm-none-eabi-gcc are you using? There is a problem with newer ones. Last working version is the 2018-q2-update when I remember correctly.
With the newer version the firmware compiles fine, but when flashed to a VESC it reboots all the time.


I am using the following as per the github repo

export PATH="$PATH:/Users/your-name/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin/"

Alright got the 5.1 back on it for now wed to figure this thing out with the baud rate of this port and what I’m doing wrong

Made boot loader and uploaded along with the firmware only for unity with the baud rate change and latest arduino and same issue. :confused:

Did you try to downgrade your gcc ?

I’ll try it I used the latest as well I’ll give it a shot today

got it working i think it was also due to the privacy issues with macos and the initial makes, i deleted the files in the build folder and remade it also using the older version of gcc. If you want the virmware I can link it later today after i test it with USB flashing. It is 5.1 VESC firmware and specific unity firmware


Here it is. I was not able to test the USB flashing method as I flashed it with STM Utility. I had to get the board together quicly for a group ride so I totally forgot about this but the firmware is here if you want to try it at your own risk. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CWJm1vjGLt5ibuZacPBKtxW8DWP-Bwzl/view?usp=sharing


@trelensis what are you using for a connector for the header? I have header pins currently with a 3 pin jst and a solo no connector for the other wire.

I’m not sure what header you are talking about but for the maytech remote receiver I’m using, I have a standard f-f 3 pin Dupont connector for the ppm (I removed the plastic jst connector on the unity, leaving only the pins so the Dupont connector can go right on the pins).
For the telemetry I only need 2 wires from the uart so I’m using this kind of splittable f-m Dupont ribbon

Edit: Ok just checked what a header connector is, didn’t know it was called that way, so yeah, I just splt 2 wires from the ribbon.


Cool did you get it working?

Yeah, howd it go?
Im waiting on the post but I was hoping to break the ble comm port on my unity out to a usplit then to a unity model metr pro and a davegax mod.
Heard I’d run into a fixed baud rate issue then ended up here.
Keen to give it a go when everything is delivered. (Still waiting on both usplit and metrpro)

Cheers guys

Keen to know if this has been flashed by usb as I don’t have stm link yet?