TSG Pass chin strap

That works on an esk8.
Not so much on a motorcycle at speed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Nicely done!

Also, give orange me.

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sorry if it’s already been said, but you shouldn’t remove the strap from the d-ring completely, just pull it loose enough to get it past your chin to remove the helmet. If you are removing it completely every time that would drive you crazy

Why do you have sex swing mounting points on your ceiling?

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you arent supposed to say that out loud idiot

it’s a pulley system for my oculus rift’s video connection so I don’t break the headset by yanking on the cord


true, I saved heaps of time since I never completely undo it - this video has a great explanation


Rode streetbikes for 20+ years. Never thought of doing this. :person_facepalming:t2:


Because it is more difficult to do it that way.
Depending on your helmet you may have to pull on the straps outward to put it on. Racing helmets in particular have a smaller opening so it will not work with these.
I honestly don’t see what the fuss is with undoing it completely. It only takes a few seconds anyway.


Quick hack for not having to do the button.


That actually works great on the TSG Pass. Thanks for the tip!

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Just wanted to share my spectacular knitting job. :slight_smile:

My TSG helmet is so much better now!


I was just looking for solutions like this. Is your magnet just catching your D-ring or do you have another magnet or metallic piece on the strap?

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I use this adapter, on two of my D-Ring helmets. the D-rings aren’t difficult, you actually get used to it after using it a bit. But in the summer, the helmet is the last thing I put on so with gloves, they get really annoying.

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Just catching the D-ring. And it works like a charm. I also never undo the D-ring. I just get the strap loose when I take the helmet off and tighten it after I put the helmet on. That way and with the magnet the use of TSG pass has become almost hassle free for me.

The only thing that annoys me is that I need to take my glasses off whenever I’m putting the helmet on/off but I guess there’s no way around it with full-face helmets.


Yeah I’m in the glasses gang too; not much we can do about that :sweat_smile: Thanks for the info though. I’ll hunt down a little magnet to put on mine because that’s super easy.


contacts, but i guess if u haven’t switch yet, u probably won’t any time soon. i also wear glasses with my tsg pass and i keep forgetting i need to remove glasses before taking off the helmet :joy:

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I had this helmet a while ago, too big and heavy on esk8, wish I kept it since I have an Onyx now. Check it out. 1:43 for the magic. Not sure if they still make these.

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I actually like the double D, I used to open it all the way and I only today watched the video above to only loosen it.
Not sure yet how I go about it now but yeah, the glasses have to come off to put the helmet on.

I tried contacts but with my astigmatism they weren’t as crisp as regular glasses. Planning on lasik eventually but I’d rather spend money on goofy skate stuff

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I’ve watched enough final destination to know that I don’t want to go through with it :joy: