Truck mount stuck. How to remove.

I am trying to swap out from boardnamics gear drives to Newbee 4GS and I cannot get the boardnamic truck clamp off. I have tried hammering it off, wd 40, everything I can think of. Any suggestions?

FWIW it was installed with no type of adhesives. Just metal on metal

would heating it up with a propane or MAP gas (plumbing) torch help? I bet aluminum expands faster than steel.

The hanger is aluminum as well, it will be of no use to heat it up. I have had success getting stuck adapters off using an arbor press and pressing the axle, with the adapter against the base.



The right size bearing puller would likely work too

I don’t have access to anything like that. Any other suggestions?

put the drive plate back on
and hammer that shit with a mallet
don’t hammer in one spot the whole time btw

put the axle on concrete bte or something, where you won’t mind if there’s accidental damage

ask me how i know :joy:

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Yeah I would put the drive back together then put axle onto a wood block and stand on the drive or use a deadblow.

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UPDATE: I appreciate everyone’s feedback. A buddy of mine had a bearing puller and was able to remove it for me. It is now off and the Newbee 4GS’ are now installed.