i see that Trampa typically uses 8mm round shaft with a keyway slot. Then there is the Flipsky 7070 motor that has a 10mm round shaft… my main concern is the Flipsky motor shaft being too thick to fit in the hole for the spur gear for the motor pulley… Has anyone ever done this before? or does anyone know if this could be done? I cant find any close up pics of the trampa spur gear mechanism to kinda eye ball it. from the videos ive seen it looks like a very tight fit. Any info would help, thanks!!
You won’t be able to use motors with more than 8 mm stepped down axles.
There may be other issues even with motors with 8 mm axles. For instance with Maytech 6374 I had to remove a circlip on the axle.
You’d better have a long motor axle too. Trampa motors have 38 mm of axle exposure length. In my case for Maytech 6374 it’s 26 mm and there is a part of the axle that is not covered by the sprocket which makes Loctite not efficient. Key is good enough for me but maybe because I have straight cut and not helical gears.