Torqueboards customer service?

Yes, me too … :frowning: … any idea ?

Maybe they’re more responsive on the forum; try tagging them. I’ve only had to wait 2 days max to hear back

Check the retaining ring.


@b264 I forgot about this photo, here you go.

I still have issues with the remote cutting out, even after getting fresh AA batteries.

So, I’m just gonna move on to the Hoyt train.

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@torqueboards when you are available please check your emails.


I thought Dexter didn’t respond to me, but as it turns out gmail sorted his responses under the same tag as facebook spam etc. and he had always responded within a very reasonable timeframe, like 24 hours

German customs did clear my TB110s btw and they transform the board, they are amazing. Also my motors might look a bit blacker still if I had never ridden 97mm :smiley:


lol good to hear and thanks for the update :+1::upside_down_face::nerd_face:

Thanks, will check that during the weekend!

@Minimadness bearings feels just as smooth & silent as the other functional 6380…

Maybe something got in the can and fell out without me noticing when I opened it up 🤷

Thinking about just hooking them up again and see if the issue persists… The torque on these compared to the MT 6374s I got on now was soo much nicer

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Got any sign from @torqueboards yet ? almost a week without a sign :frowning:,
I really hate complaining in the forum for such things, but this is weird, usually I get answers like less than 24h. Donno what happened to the guy :frowning: , trying my luck here … @torqueboards, are u alive ? image


Never a reply only a heart from them on my comment here.
Idk whats going on.


Let’s all tag Dexter here





Wait. Is @torqueboards MIA again. Oh no image


He’s probably busy making some cool new shit


Can’t be mad at that!.
The esk8 world would be a better place If only people would stop having issues with their Tb stuff :rofl:


An explanation, not an excuse.

Idk bro. The fact that this thread exists for such a trusted vendor is ridiculous in the first place and should absolutly effect his record. Most companies can’t survive making cool shit if they have no customers left to buy it…

To be clear, I’m just tough on vendors. The community has had a lot of good ones go bad. I don’t hold any ill will to TB specifically.


I was just being sarcastic lmao


@torqueboards are blue 110s still 4+ weeks away? :sleepy:


Hopefully about 1-2 weeks left. Been waiting. :sob: It’s been pushed back a few times unfortunately.


That’s all I’m waiting on before I order :wink:

We must have the blue!


So slowly but surely all 4 of my 63mm mounting positions on one of my 170 kv 6380’s have stripped. I’d notice my belts were loose only to see that one of the screws is just chilling in the motor with the threads gone. Has anyone had issues with this happening? What material is the bottom side of these motors made with (where the m4 screws go in)

One motor has 4 stripped ones, the other has one. I’m now using only 2 secondary mounting holes to hold the motor on until I can get it tapped for m5. Just curious if it’s happened to anyone else.

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