TONS of Decks, enclosures, stuff. USA

You know it’s old when it had Torque Boards 218 trucks and Maytech 6355 HA-C motors

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Yep but those drives are just rad. So unique and aesthetically just sick.

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Get some BN 145 hangers and the FS 63100 motors, its the only logic option


Confirmed he does not have any spiral drives for anyone wondering haha.

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long time no see mr @Sender

hope all is well with you, good luck with your sale but we need prices!!!

Even prettier in person (friend’s build, not mine.) Just know that the red motor mount plate is bendy.

i call sus on that, u sure u didn’t just snipe them? :joy:

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Who owns the design?

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some dude in taiwan iirc

I would be shouting it out that I got a set lol.

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Iirc, a guy named Morris Tsu from Taiwan.

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Happen to know the tooth counts?

@Linny has a set, if he is willing to check

The universe has decided to educate me :joy:

If your motors aren’t longer than you hangers are you even an eskater?

when ur motor is ur hanger and ur hanger is ur motor

That’s where Enertion went wrong, you don’t need heat pipes if you don’t have a hanger

I know right, it’s so pretty :heart::heart:

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I know I can’t keep looking at it, my wallet is already screaming in pain because I have to ship a bunch of stuff soon. Man is it a great looking deck though.

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Did I mention Xcel wide rims?