to be or not to be 16s

This is a really cool experiment. Justin was really ahead of his time, can’t believe he did all this in 2009.

Now to find a CC 200A power supply :confused:

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Not completely sure but might be able to use the DC mode on VESC to do that

Or even just hook everything up and use the current command and see the force

Might even be able to do that with a board, put a scale on the wall between the nose of the board and it, hop on top so the wheels have traction, and use any app to read the current and correlate with the force

My only board with sensors is down at the moment, else I would try it


Mostly worked. Changed the VESC settings in 10A increments on 12s 190kv. No signs of saturation up to 100A. Motor temps stayed below 40C

110A, 120A and 130A I got some motor stuttering and wheel spin, so need to modify the method a bit

It’s more and more clear that a dyno would really help clear a lot of questions up.


This also helps fill in some blanks

245kv at 170A and no saturation. Linear amp to torque line.

Maybe saturation is not even a factor when using controllers limited to ~120A


Really nice test, glad it worked

Looking good, this potentially means we could have motors with less iron and more space for copper

Not a given since while reducing iron weight leads to less core losses, if the flux goes too high you will quickly have more iron losses and less power overall