The "Why Can't" Thread

Something like this Weller is perfect for thick wires.


I have this and possibly one of the most useful tool to have.


Going to get that iron and practice practice and some more!
thanks all for the advice!

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Put the wire on a silicone pad…cardboard or something you don’t mind burning. Put the solder on the wire and wait till it’s very very hot. Use pliers to pick the wire. Place the tip in the hole and put the solder on it again. Add the solder quickly. If it’s hot enough it will melt immediately. Make a firm connection using the same pliers or a wood stick. Retire the solder and let it cool down. Do not blow. If you do it will make a weird crystallization and will be prone to break due to vibrations.

use at least a 60w solder.

Plug a Male on the other side so the heat does not melt the plastic housing.


Not quite the same but flanged nyloc nuts exist

But not the same

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My friend here are my tips to you,

*Contaminants (sprays which are used to harden glues etc (that happened a lot to me)) will prevent good soldering, use pcb flux cleaners on the metal pins
*İf you have a hand grinder, better to use it on the metal pins a bit
*Before soldering, you can put the connector in refrigerator for 20 minutes for the plastic casing to cool down, when you solder, that will give the plastic parts some more time before melting.
*Dont forget to attach the connector mechanically on something (a clamp) so it does not move while soldering.
*Dont forget to put some good solder paste on the metal pins and on the cable conductor (better not to use solder wires with solder paste, use high quality solder wires instead)
*Heat up the metal pins at the maximum heat setting on your solder gun, let the metal heated up quickly and after you are done, cool the soldered sides down with the wet cloth, dont let the plastic part be melted (keep your fingers away from the heat, heat can reach you through the wet cloth be careful)
*Solderability also depends on the conductor material qualities, some cheap chinese cables may give you trouble while soldering (I had some of those troubles before)

Dont give up, practice makes it perfect

Awesome, i’m actually looking forward to trying it again now,
thanks so much! @thurbolt @Rojitor



Ts80 solves all ur problems :).



All the other comments + you need to use decent solder wire, quality flux and first of all… tin the wires and the terminals before attempting to solder them together.

Tinning the ends of the wires should be all the way around (work the iron tip round and round the end) and not just a blob on one side.

A good hot iron with correctly placed parts should fuse together insofar as the tip of the wire is flushed into the terminal cup.

Check out the soldering thread!

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I have the Miniware TS100, truly a remarkable soldering iron IMHO.

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It’s easier to just keep the male and female plugs connected while soldering, it prevents the pins from moving around while it’s hot and the plastic is melty.

You should let the solder cool on its own and not try to force cool it faster.


If this comes in a blue bottle, …:smiling_imp:
Otherwise, thanks, best friends forever! :call_me_hand:


It’s a blue bottle, red-purplish locker. It’s easy to know it’s not any normal loctite. THICC consistency. :slight_smile:

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I’m buying this for #science and putting it next to my collection of thread lockers. If my non forum roommate uses it, I’m coming to visit this company.

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Let’s just say the last time I had to remove a pulley, I heated it with a torch for 18 minutes straight and still needed a gear puller.

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How do you guys cope with administrative stuff you need to do when you start working too early and finish the day too late? It’s super bothersome to me :boom::boom::boom::boom:

Even going to the post office is problematic.

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@vanarian That is a problem of todays employees… Leaving that and being an entrepreneur might be one of the solutions :slight_smile: I dont know if there is any other one around ? Lets see what other guys have :slight_smile:

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Why can’t aliexpress or ebay offer tires in any other colors than black?

4 x Purple roadie tires from MBS = $73.53 (with the 15% discount)

4 x Black roadie tires from Ali = $32.56 (but take a month to get here)

I want style but am not willing to pay over twice the price for it.

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They do offer. The ones that comes with fake trampa hubs. People have posted links on this forum. Either Ali or taobao, not sure.