[the painkiller] | 4WD | 12s28p 50G 6kwh | redember 44" | VESC HD60 | 6385 173kv | remote gt2e | 3Ds FatBoy GD helical 1:3 | flexiBMS


Yes no problem. I also got 1m CAN in my 4wd and it works great. I just twisted the cables and I have no issues running them in parallel to the power wires.


He got in numbers of cells more than I have in Wh


6.29 kWh. this could make 200-250km :smiley: no clue what the consumption will be



I could go like 350km (217 miles) on that on TB110 :open_mouth:


Put all together, we have a board which will be 40Kg, more or less, am I right ?


You may be forced to reduce the pack to something like 12S27P. I understand that’s a serious concern since that would completely ruin it! :laughing:


I think you’re in the territory where the battery weight alone will reduce the range of the board. Damn…


@ 40kg or 88lbs this 4wd would be 20 to 30 lbs over the typical 4wd build.
I have a 12S 7P 40t battery and the board already weighs 55lbs.

Would an extra 30 lbs of battery really affect range that much???


Depends, if you need to break and accelerate regularly you lose a shit ton of range.
If you just cruise along you won’t lose much.
You also need to take into account stopping distance

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woosh, not ideal for high speeds comfort :smiley: I’d like to open new chaper of riding in my life

I’m already walking into stairs. old middle-european style house. but the board is made to make you wrum wrum, not for you to drag. and still fucking more light/small than a motorbike

well, yes. another option is to make risers that will also move the truck holes a bit further apart - this will give me some more clearance :smiley: I guess the 155mm metroboard tires will have to be changed for 8"

well, this does not concern m that much in the city, where wall outlets are available. in longer traveling there will not be much of breaking/accelerating

I’m already about 100kg with all the gear on. and because I do not believe in the conditions (and electronics) that much (fanatically), I usually start breaking earlier. last time I tried breaking more agressively, wet cobblestone punished me

so slippery surfaces scare me a bit. not those intentional like moist grass.


I’m kinda getting into rithm :smiley: feels like age of monthly stagnations is over.

I’ve been thinging a lot. and this will not be fucking easy. I feel like making something absolutely crazy-awesome. laminated case? naah, too easy, too fast :smiley:

so, imagine desk of similar top-view shape, but with an extremely big dropdown (8cm more). simplify for W concave, just plain sheet metal (8mm alu). this will go under the deck, will have the same shape, mounted through the same truck holes. and this will make compatment for the battery.

25kg battery is not that sexy in case of designing something to hold it securely.

I’ve been prototyping some templates for the enclosure (cargo bay) design. next step is probably to make some kind of 3d model from the deck shapes, so that I can see what the bay shape should be. atm my head just cannot wrap around the difficult 3d shapes.

then finding someone who has 8mm alu sheets, bender, router/mill and skill…
and the “fucking tricky bend”… no clue how to make that other than pressing it into mold

trucks straight:

wheel closer is mostly down - trucks untightened free:

after this the 3d printing phase will begin. I need to fill the space between the deck and the bay plate with something - so 3dprinted shape from translucent fillament with RGB LEDs? :smiley:

the battery stuff:
WIP, being siliconed together, tomorrow second side and glass-fiber tape around.
throughout the week nickel will come, so welding will take place the following weekend

shape of the battery gives me some nice patterns for the power wires. here I’m not sure about the crossings, although the’re of the same polarity. and if I change it so that one vesc is powered by one side of the batery and the other from the second side, it feels wrong to me, as the read vesc might use more power than the front one - in that case more current will be drawn from half of the battery. which we do not want

and the last thing - I might make lines in the bay plate for the motor cables (with ball endmill). then they will stick out and no more connecting will be needed

I think I liked this project more when it was in preparing stage :smiley: I want to build so much features now…


The difference in current is probably no more than 10-20A, and the nickel strip connecting the cells in a p-group should be able to manage that. As long as it’s 1 battery I think it should be fine. Especially with a battery this large :smiley:

Although I like the idea, I’m worried that if the truck bolts hold too much of the enclosure weight, it could unfold the tricky bend you have to do around the motors. It would look really cool, but I don’t think it’s necessary.


Aaaaaiii 28p :no_mouth::no_mouth::no_mouth: I thought my builds were crazy


seems legit. so this design?

I think I know what you mean - the shape of the bay plate would not be as stiff and would bend under the weight of the battery, given the lare distance to the “pivot points” of the trucks?
we’ll see :smiley: if anything goes wrong, I can always screw it to the neck

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Yes and yes :slight_smile:

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This board will be crazy. I thought that you only did groupbuy for the cells and that first 12S28P photo was a joke :smiley:

If you are not sure if the nickel strip will be able to distribute the current well, you could add cables like this. But probably won’t be necessary if you will always use 4wd.


And I thought I’m predictable in jokes/sarcasm :smiley: Well, every day brings something new

Had that idea as well, but I was not able to think it through with nice desing :confused: we’ll see how it’s gonna behave

Long time no see guys :slight_smile:

I’ve spend the weekend welding the battery, tomorrow I should get 3dprinted parts for the deck/enclosure, and then we should be close to first ride.


Dood 12s28p why… at this point just better to increase voltage than capacity and dear god have you increase the capacity, this is a car not a skateboard anymore :sweat_smile: If I compared that to my 50G 12s9p this should have like 320km of range compensating for that extra weight a bit, with only a 100 pit stops you could do a around the world tour with that board :).