Starting a thread for my SuperSpine build. I’ll add to it as I have the time, right now I have a bit of catching up to do because this thing has undergone more alterations than the Kardashians.
The day the spine was ready to ship, and the day I got it! Moe was gracious and delivered it in person because we both planned on attending La Jolla E-Bike and Sk8 shops group ride.
Ray did the initial work on it, putting the motors on, adding the port for the top mount battery, shortening the wires and adding the bullet connectors. The motors I used were 265kv. Impractical yes but I love absurdity. You’ll notice that as a theme going forward.
I designed and printed a box for the D100s esc to be mounted on the underside of the tail. Added some branding that would never be seen because why not.
Initially I was using a 12s8p battery from another DIY, photos are by Lyfe of Jimmy and are taken the day I picked up the completed board.
Enjoy the ride!!!
I switched to 18/78 for a bit more torque, and then made the switch to lipos which really should be more user friendly. I’m using the tow of the 8s SMC Racing LiHV 6700mah 90c, I plan to get more for better range. Also made a box for the battery.
Oops. Meant to type two of the 8s lipos. I guess you could say I am towing them though. Anyways I tried bumping up the amps to the 265kv motors and put them at 190 per side. My D100s did not agree

It’s okay though I took care of it. sold it for half price to some blind kid.
So after the d100s blew up I got ahold of some skp solos. Even designed a couple enclosures for them
One is for active cooling and the other is for the normal passive cooling. Found out after the design was finished that the escs absolutely need a passive heat sink so I had to set the active cooling enclosure aside until I can figure it out.
This build looks seriously impressive! I’m curious—what inspired you to go with the SuperSpine setup? Also, any specific challenges you’ve run into so far?
Didn’t have the money for a V5 and GTA WTF wasn’t released yet. I’ve seen a few people with them at intro and it seemed a good entry and transition into raceboards with options for top mounting a battery and ESC. The only challenges were financial getting it to where it is now. Started with 265kv motors, 12s lithium ion battery and a d100s and slowly transitioned to v2 solos and brand new 245kv skp motors.
I think the only edge v5 and v6 has geometrically is ease of turning. I can really pack this thing with batteries if I wanted where the v5/6, WTF GTA are a little more limited in battery space.
Beginning specs. 12s8p Samsung 50E, 265kv reacher motors, 22/78 gear ratio. D100S ESC Mad Wheels Street Wheels. Hoyt Puck Trigger Remote Mod
CURRENT specs. 16s using two 8s SMC Racing LiHV 6700mah 90c batteries. 245KV SKP motors, SKP solo v2 ESC, 15/78 gearing, Puck Trigger Remote Mod, 150mm Nova Tires
How did the D100s blew up?
It’s hard to say because I didn’t see it start and only kinda know what causes ESC to fail, but looking at how the motor wires came off I would assume it was because of the high amps and heat melting the solder between them and the board. Had it set to 190 per side. 10 less than advertised but I guess close enough. Was told it could be Voltage spikes too.
Okay so I took the passive cooling and made it active AND passive cooling by adding fan mounts to the back and side. There was enough wall on the right side (left looking straight at it) to hide the fan in the wall itself. They’re just two 40mmx40mmx10 usb fans. Guess you can say after having the D100s blow up on me I’m doing the most to protect these Solos even though they’re way more reliable. I’ve also added some extra motor wire routing to keep the weight off the solder joints and keep them out of the way of the underside. I still need to shorten the phase wires but since I don’t have the skills or the tools to do that I’ve just printed some cable rails or whatever they’re called to keep them up and out of the way of the gears