The Killdozer | Chiboards | 4x VESC 6 | 4WD | 80100 184kv | 12s15p 40t 2.6 kwh | Etoxx Helical Gears | 9" Mudpluggers | Kaly XL50+ Deck

The thing I don’t understand is why you would put this much cash into a board when in this price bracket, I’m sure you could just about build an e-motorcross bike or road bike. I get the portability and ease of use… but god sakes man.

Hm, I would prefer a board. Matter of taste, I am not that much into bikes. Also I think he wants to build the most powerful board on principle.


Kinda depends what your goal is no? For the price of an e-motocross bike you could go buy a honda civic. Like what is the cross comparison here? We build electric skateboards because they’re fun to ride, it’s not :joy:


Dat is schon echt krank digga.
Awesome board.

Underside, yes.

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I know, he said it’s not a daily drive kinda board, and I’m sure he has a car based on some of the pics from earlier. I guess in my mind another vehicle such as a e motocross bike is much more fun to ride vs an off-road board that would be pretty hard to ride outside of a grass field or a wood chip path. And if the $ is similar, I mean… I’m not criticizing him or the board, board is freaking awsome, but I mean if you can barely stand on it, lift it, and ride it nothing close to its mile range, as someone said earlier, you sir have made a car that you stand ontop the roof, and it seems to defy the reasons people build eboards. It’s just so insane it becomes silly. 25hp on a board, rlly!?

40Hp peak actually

Is there logic for this build… not really? I just want the most powerful eboard ever created. Maybe it’ll be a trophy board, I can always tune the board down to a rideable level.

Why do people buy Bugatti’s? That’s right… the ass that comes with it


On a serious note, i actually want to master riding this board at its full performance mode. It will be my goal to accelerate to 40mph in a few seconds on a board.

If someone can figure out how to strap jet engines to his arms and back and fucking FLY. Then I can ride a beefy skateboard.


Man, loving you for this.

This level of commitment is what is all about !!!


Haha thanks man, that’s how I look at it. Yea it’s a beast of a board, but I’ll learn to tame it. I’ll make it my bitch just like I did my first 4wd board which people called me crazy for back then.



I plugged up 4wd Can and tried it out without motors on the stock shipped firmware and it all worked out fine seemingly.

I went and updated all 4 to 4.12 and ran the wizards and now only the master seems to respond to the remote.

What should I be looking for to get them to all work like they had previously?

Multiple vescs over CAN is enabled
Master is running current no reverse with brake

All other vescs are stock flashed

Edit: went in and gave renamed the ID’s and changed the Can status message mode to 1,2,3,4 for the 3 Vesc’s on CAN and disabled to the Master and now it seems to be working.

Do I need to plug the settings into each of these vescs? Or will the “forward communication over CAN” do that?


Profiles affect all VESCs, individual settings are per VESC.


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by the sounds of it you can have profiles that can be settings used for multiple vescs and then individual settings as well…

would be rad to have a “profile” for motor amps, regen settings and battery amps when running multiple vesc’s to eliminate the chance of user error when setting all of them.

Very interested in learning if this is the case.

They exist since a long time, you can set power (motor Amps), brakes (motor regen), speed limits FWD and reverse, and power limits.

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As a profile? Hot dang

So many things in my life I do the hard way because I fail to understand all of the tools.

Ah okay I’ll have to look for that today.


VESC-Tool mobile… I have a profile for beginners, kids, myself etc.

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I wanna know how those truck extensions ride!!!

@Chibatterysystems this build is insane are you finished? I want to see some videos of you riding this MONSTER