The Green One | 29.6" Powell-Peralta | TB110 | dual 6355 | Caliber 2 | 10S 14500mAh [serious]

These numbers may not be continuous or may be using extra heat removal procedures, and in any fashion, never blindly trust numbers from someone benefiting financially from a sale of said item.

No, I did it for reliability and because the battery I rated conservatively at 43A.


And your maximum current setting?

Very conservative on this skate. Since itā€™s a dual drive though, it has PLENTY of power to brake or get up any hill, even with a 100kg fatass on top.

Most of mine are single drive, and thereā€™s a triple drive.

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I know about all your single drives and your love for them.
I was just curious about YOUR maximum current setting on a single foc box.
So thank you.

These arenā€™t FOCBOXes, they are the much cheaper Mini FSESC 4.20.

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Ahh hahhaha sorry i missed that.
Yeah you told us a few posts before

I think I won the Flipsky lottery, because Iā€™ve had ZERO problems with these and this board is years old at this point, being ridden multiple times per week. I used it twice yesterday to move furniture across town.

Of course, keeping the current numbers low and running 10S makes it far less likely to fail.

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Numbers depend on POV if you ask me.
60 motor amps are crushing every hill up, so its always the same at some point.
Everyone just wants more power i think.
I Ride dual hub motor set up, 35 amps each and moderate current settings on 10s and its fine.
I get my satisfaction from deadband at 5% and a 45% expotential throttle curve


I usually run -15% polynomial. What do you like about 45%?

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I think its bc going forewards straight like a rollercoaster when pushing the throttle.
Remember: i ride hub motors 2000 watts maximum. A single drive like Brians i would maybe lower the curve bc of double the Watts. I think he rides 6374 4000 watt motor if i remember correctly.

-15??? I think my boards wouldnt move without pushing the throttle to the max all the time

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Upsā€¦the green one is rhe dual version, sorry for the mess above :pray:
@b264 I got confused by all these colors :joy:

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Yeah most are single but there is a dual and a triple. :rofl:


Actually, I believe most tools use 5s batteries. At least afaik makita, dewalt, and Milwaukee do.


Vehicles used to move bodies around inside cities can also be tools. This thread is all about one specific such tool.


Ah yeah the bottlenose looks cooler. Is it functionally better?

I like the wide nose for stability at higher speeds.


the skateboard board you use is the same one i bought in the 90ā€™ :metal: :metal: :metal:
mine was purple but the same spider style decal

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Thatā€™s awesome :metal:

I tried getting two more of these decks a couple months ago, but theyā€™ve become unobtainium :frowning_face:

So I chose a different deck which I donā€™t want to name for fear of it becoming unobtainium

they call them fish tail if i am right

This one was called the OG Bug Reissue