I’ve been working on this board on and off for some years now, but it’s finally complete. I haven’t had a chance to really put things to the test yet (too cold out ) but so far I am really happy with how everything has turned out.
The name of the board comes from a futurama episode I’ve always enjoyed called “Godfellas” where Bender (the robot) meets a god-like being resembling a purple swirling galaxy. Years ago I bought the Moon galaxy splatter drives used in this build and had the idea to combine the ideas and here we are.
episode context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL7e05pClKM
Tires - MBS 200mm purple
Rims - Moon Eros (powder coated in Disco Purple)
Trucks - Moon Luna 350s (purple with some combination of RipTide bushings)
Gear Drives - Moon AT Drives (galaxy splatter) 11T/44T helical cut gears
Motors - 2 x Radium 6485 173kv
ESC - Lacroix 100DX in 3DServisas top mount case
Davega, in purple because I am in too deep on the purple at this point
Battery - 14s8P (Samsung 40T made by me )
Deck - Tomiboi Deck and double enclosure with custom skin and frit (@tomiboi killed it!)
Many many other parts from the same awesome vendors above along with others like Skyart (note the enclosure bling) Duck battery and others
Big thanks to the community for letting me lurk and learn and just doing cool stuff. Also big thanks to @thisguyhere for getting me into all this and taking me out on rides with some cool guy named @Titoxd1000 (sick trucks my man!)
The Pics