I loved my landwheel. It pissed on the cgt. The cgt was bad ass looking though. Batmans skateboard.
Only thing is to never ride in the rain, concussion waiting to happen.
When it rains here its a fucking monsoon. You drown if you look up.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
You want to me drown? For science? Nice…
Yeah I agree. I rode Karams board around a while and what sets it apart are the design refinements. Magnetic charging port, oled remote, padded(!) deck, nice stock bushings, etc…
Were you able to add risers to the exway x1 pro? If it’s possible I may consider getting one and put on larger wheels, 97 or 110mm if possible
No, risers are not an option because the motor connections are built into the deck.
Yeah I didn’t figure that out until I tried to install them. Not impossible. Just a lot more effort than I expected. You would have to modify the risers to mount the connector to the riser. One day when I am bored I will take a whack at it.
If you can solve it, you will make many people happy. Larger wheel options on this platform would be awesome.
Its definitely one of the better production boards. Karam got a steal. However, I am not a fan of the temporary boost mode and the brakes seem to be lacking stopping power. Everything is smooth as butter and for a bit, you forget your riding hubs. It was pretty smooth pavement tho
Temporary boost mode?
Yea, i think @KaramQ mentioned some mode he can put in his phone to accelerate faster for a limited time… Im not too sure I remember exactly but he showed me the app on the phone
That’s the Backfire. Exway’s Turbo mode stays on and has no cool down period. Assuming he’s using a custom profile, does he have the brakes set to 100% in speed mode 4?
You might be coming from a build with awesome brakes, because I didn’t feel like the brakes were an issue.
I can modify brake power, acceleration curve and on my phone i can initiate turbo mode
Yes, no other way. Great to see how much you’re loving your board.
I usually buy and sell boards but this is definitely a keeper
I honestly didn’t mess with it enough. He may have the brakes set low because it took like 10 ft to come to a full stop from going fast
I like my brakes like that, I don’t usually ride in the street to need tough brakes
I can get one trade price 1000 aus. Is it worth it you think? Thats 650 ish us. Same price as the nls pro give or take 50 buckeroos. My mate gets a better deal from exway so I may buy the nls and steal his demo exway to do a direct comparison test for news. I mean I am an Esk8 consultant now so you know…go me.