The Donation Bin



they don’t have any give away style hangers , was thinking kill 2 things with one order :wink:

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Please write correct and full adress and you will se more shipping options


wait, how come all these hangers are in the bin? :o

dang, thought they’d be able to strike a deal with them for “only baseplates” based on the volume alone :o

What is it to ship in the US? I put a pair in the cart and it came to $112…

Also is there anyone in the area who is getting some that would split shipping? (Assuming it’s cheaper)

(Need 2 hangars)


can you ship like half of them to a forum member in the US to redistribute? XD
And they can sell them for like $5 to make up for shipping :stuck_out_tongue:


I can’t believe you can’t find a baseplate supplier. So many hangers lol.
You know the baseplates from the Ebay/diyeboard trucks work with caliber hangers.
Theres gotta be a factory that will sell just the baseplates.


If you go to the full checkout it will show you the other shipping options. That $112 is for a full board from them

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Now I wish Sweden was my home!

Go to checkout and write your full adress you will get fedex, ups, dhl express. Dont know the price but I gues 25-50usd shipping cost

If you wanna ship some to the US for redistribute ion I’m sure @BuildKitBoards, @longhairedboy it someone would be happy to help. Hell, I’d do it if noil one else is interested.


I can’t get it to show in USD, the cheapest shipping option to US is kr417, about $43

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Sure give me your adress and I ship you ~30 you can give out in US


@mmaner let me know if you do I’d love a set of these but also on the fence due to shipping

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Will do, taking with @mackann now.


@mmaner, I am interested in 2 sets, in case there is a line :grin:

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and me… :upside_down_face:

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Haha I’d like two hangers if you get 'em to the us of a.

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I’d love to get two of those hangers shipped within Sweden. :green_heart:

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