The Definitive Guide to Metr App / Metr Pro

Yeah okay thats what I want to setup once my board is back to running anyways (after a 2 year hiatus due to a police stop) I just couldn’t find any mention of police mode outside of that one gif so I had to make sure :smiley:

@xsynatic use that function extensively, if u need help, he is the guy

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Sometimes Metr Pro CAN logs a strange datapoint in the beginning of a log. This throws off the ride time calculation. Sometimes there is also GPS data in the weird datapoint, which is visible in the log as a starting position. This is usually old GPS data. I ride my e-stuff here and there so it looks like I started the ride on the last town I visited.

Here is an example where the first datapoint is strangely a correct start time, and then the subsequent datapoints are logged into the future. It’s not sunday Aug 06 yet.

Here is an example of an old GPS point in the beginning of the log.

The map dark mode issue still exists as well. Any ideas on that?

Yes I have some ideas. Need to wait a little bit more with GPS data accuracy before using it. We had similar bug with Megan / Minnie devices and were able to fix it. I need to look up what we did and back port the fix to Metr Pro. Hopefully it is the same issue.


I found the bug, it was actually in the app. After downloading offline records, the location information was erroneously cached when parsing them. Fixed and released updates already. Thanks for bringing this up!


My metr app is using 15gb of space. Is this normal? :relaxed:

I have an issue, that maybe has an easy fix, have been using my METR for years now and been switching phones over the time, was gonna repair it to my new phone and was looking for the PIN and at some point I must’ve spilled WD-40 on the PIN and its not readable anymore, can you change the pin somehow, usb connection or through the SD card somehow ?

No, this is not normal. Android or iOS?

Do you still have your old phone? You can look up the pairing code there.

My guess is that it could be a metric ton of records. Highest i remember i had was 1.3gb

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Android :relaxed:

Should I delete the data? Will I loose my rides or settings? I have auto upload enabled

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Hi Roman,
Could you please clarify for me if its intended for the metr app to keep the bluetooth connection alive towards the LLT bms even if the metr module itself is turned off?

I think it would be a nice feature to check if there is a live connection towards the LLT and terminate it in an event of losing connection with the metr module.

How would that even be possible?

I guess the phone connects to the LLT and not the metr module itself.

You can always do that, just use the xiaoxiang app

Or just exit the metr app, it wouldn’t be able to connect as far as I know. Mine always connects AFTER I open the app, that is, it starts in a state of not being connected.

Also, if you’re paranoid you can always just hit the unpair LLT button in the settings and then it can’t connect to it

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Of course we can work around any issues, but why not put a failsafe if its possible?
I am not paranoid, I understand it takes time to drain the battery and I always close the metr app(because I dont like the sticky notification).
But again, why not improve things that can be improved?

But I’m pretty sure it’s already doing what you’re asking about. Do you have proof the bluetooth stays connected to your phone after you close the app?

It closes if I force close the app. I was talking about terminate the LLT connection in an event the connection to the metr module is lost.

I can check if I have any of my old phone has it paired, but I believe they all have been reset since.

It is a good suggestion, thank you. I will tweak the behavior so it works exactly so.

That’s really a lot of data. Can you please check if you have debug logs enabled and if so, disable them? Metr app → Settings → Magic → Debug logs. Also if you use file explorer and navigate to Metr document folder, you can delete all the logs (logs, not records, logs contain just diagnostic messages, records contain telemetry data and GPS). Logs filenames look like this log_2023-07-08.txt, they begin with log_ and contain date when the log file was created. It is safe to delete all of them.

Then please PM me the date when you purchased your Metr module, there is a chance I can find your pairing code. But also please check your old phone first.


This was it, thank you!

Question: will metr support new Android wear? Like the pixel 2 watch?