The Definitive Guide to Metr App / Metr Pro

Thank You! :love_you_gesture:

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Just bought one (well another one actually :laughing:)
Cheers Guys!


hey, any updates on shipping to the US?

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thanks, for the bad news :confused:

heh. I’m right there with you. ordered mine the day before I started that giveaway and now my only joy is watching @xsynatic post about using his. :smiley:


hey maybe you wanna sell this horrible no good poo poo device? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@rpasichnyk this metr log didn’t upload correctly, there was some timeout error. Can you please delete so I can re-upload? Currently clicking upload in the metr app does nothing to update it.

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Done, please reupload

Btw, you can remove records from the server using the account page


Here’s a log for you :slight_smile: The maiden voyage v2




any timing on FW5.1 support? Metr Pro module is on 5.4

Wondering if I should roll back to Vesc FW 4 until its caught up. Lost the ability to set different modes currently

I was able to borrow a Metr module from a friend to see what all the fuzz is about. Connecting was easy and data is coming through. I have connected it on the slave unit of my dual Focbox setup and entering the Canbus ID of the master was enough to view settings of both units.

Now I am trying to setup the layout in the app and I am wondering if there is an easy way of doing this. I realize that you can switch parameters on and off and they can be scaled. But can you ‘throw away’ the ones you don’t want to use. Right now there are like 10 of them layered on top of each other.

Also a question about the multiple esc data;

  • I am correct in thinking that the option Multiply data doesn’t actually give data from all esc’s, but it combines data from the unit it is connected to and multiplies it with the number of units connected?
  • The option dual data says you can view the data from each individual esc, but this does not show in the app window. Can this option only be viewed in the log file?
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I recommend leaving CAN Fwd in Magic section disabled. It is causing many issues lately and I am removing it completely from the app. Metr module is smart enough to scan CAN bus and find all VESCs automatically.

Yes, tap on them quickly instead of long pressing.

Dual RT data is only supported with Metr Pro. Maybe you have old module?

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Quack cough cough Quick question, is there anyway to set up a default mode so i can switch the board on off when the police comes and it’ll default to a mode that limits speeds to the legal amount?

So basically you ride your board with a 50km/h mode. You see police, turn Off/on board and now its automatically in 15km/h mode?

Not that i’m aware off. Currently your best bet is to go into modes and create one that you manually have to swipe to activate.

But could be a feature request i guess ^^

Yea ahahah not riding 50 km/h near busy roads tho, I average on 30-40 on busy roads cause I’m afraid of da popo.

What do you think? would it be possible?

can you use a different bluetooth module with the app?

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Thank you for your reply. I disabled CAN forwarding and you are right that both units are still visible.

I guess I got an old module without encryption, but most functions seem to work.

I am trying to do some PID tuning on the balance app. Is it possible to add tabs in future releases? Right now you have to scroll down forever to get to those functions.

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