The Circuit Board | Moon Gears | Sender/Hummie Deck | 10s5p | Dual 6374 | Unity [All Comments Welcome]

Thanks for the input! How do 6x2 tires do for street riding?


Damn, was hoping this thread popped back up cuz you’re selling it.
Be more like @CiscoV please
Nice build dude!


They do really well. I was worried the square profile would feel off to me riding it but I can’t tell much of a difference.

@PedroMcJimenez, my neighbor asked me the other day how much it cost me to build it and how much I’d sell it for :thinking:

If my other board wasn’t in maintenance mode, I might have done it. It’d still live across the street for me.


That’s awesome, wish I had a neighbor that likes to ride.
Only problem selling it to him, is you’ll probably still have to fix it.


And if it blows up, he knows where you live


So weird, I’ve put like 50 miles on mine already and no issues. Have the clever tires gotten worse wh/mi for you so far?

Not noticeably no. I’ve only gone on a dozen rides with it and they’ve all been within the normal range I got on bergs. I keep them pretty inflated as well and I kept the bergs on a lower psi.


What are you clocking in at? I did a 16 mile ride yesterday slamming hills with a little bit of light offroad and managed to average 24wh/mile

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Seems spot on. Anywhere from 18-24 wh/mi is what I consider the normal range for me depending on ride and weather.


Had some weirdness happen the other day…

It was unseasonably warm so I asked my neighbor if he wanted to ride. He prefers the circuit board because it doesn’t have bindings so I went to charge it up.

When I plugged in my normal charger, the light stayed green. This board has been sitting in my garage for a month or 2 with no riding but it was at ~85% charge when I hung it up. I plugged in a second, slower charger and it still stayed green. I plugged in another 10s board and both chargers began charging. Unity app and volt meter displayed 40.9V (10s pack) and I figured the charge fuse blew or something.

While I was messing with the circuit board, I noticed a clicking sound on one wheel. It was Christmas eve and I had no time so I left it.

Today I tore the clicking wheel gear drive down and noticed a wheel bearing starting to fail and the seal dad loose. Easy fix. Put everything back together and clicking gone :ok_hand:

Just for shits, I plugged in a charger again and it turned red / started charging!


Maybe your chargers are stopping too soon / don’t trigger at that high of a voltage. Strange…

Had a charge line fuse holder that gave me intermittent charging issues. Changed a bms before realizing the real issue.

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It has one of those and I suspect it may be the culprit. Good advice.

It’s back up to 42V!


Linky linky, Mr. Stinky? Just came into possession of some Bergendorfersteins.


$5.19 for a tire and tube is like a flaccid penis… unbeatable


I KNEW you had hidden cams in my whack shack!

Thanks for the link, dude.


Someone is interested in my circuit board… might be sold soon :confused:

I feel bad, I don’t ride it nearly as much as it deserves. I just love bindings and offroading too much to give it up. It’s definitely the sexiest board I’ve ever built but I hate seeing it ridden so infrequently.



(Is nice. Much regret.)


She’s sold ladies and gentleman. Almost 2 years exactly from the day of completion.

Going to a good home and a deserving human though.


that board is a real masterpiece. So sad you let her go, Justin, but a man must do what a man must do :cowboy_hat_face: :sunglasses: