Going to chains.
I need the gearing super high for the torque I like.
Don’t need much in the way of top speed so if I graze 30mph that is enough for me.
So I had 12/72 for 6:1 with the belts.
There was enough skipping with the 12 tooth pulley to be a nuisance.
So reason 1.
Stop the skipping and have reliable breaks in an emergency.
And I also wanted to gear up a bit. But I am barely changing… So may not even be noticeable.
Better efficiency would be really welcome.
I really hope it does not get worse.
So going to 11/70 for 6.363:1
I have pretty much this same set up on my MBS board and has worked fine.
Here are the parts I got.
The wheel sprockets had to be drilled for the mounting holes and ground out in the center to not hit the axles.
The wheel sprockets sit much closer to the ground than the belt pulley…