The Blue One | 12S LiFePO4 | 170kv TB 6380 | Caliber 2 & BN184 | 30.43" Powell-Peralta | TB110 | FOCBOX [Serious]

It’s an old metroboard enclosure case with a custom bracket clamp. It broke and I already replaced it once with the identical new thing :smiley: I’d do it the exact same way again.

They are metroboard riser lights (2W, white&red variation) I bought directly from Ilan.

MG Chemicals #419D on all the electronics and small wire junctions and MG Chemicals #4223 on the loop key and phase wires

I size the wire such that it should be okay (green column Conductor Current Ratings [SRO]) but the conformal coating is NEVER the only insulation. The best joints imho are soldered, then covered with sealant (often MG 419D or MG 4223) then before the sealant dries, they are heatshrinked, then sealed again over that. The solder connections I also try to make skinny (skinnier than the wire insulation) and no sharp spots or I file off the sharp spots before sealing. I don’t want vibrations causing the sharp point to wear through the insulation and touch something else.