my board currently states otherwise, running 35/35
with the caveat yhat i’m not using the stock bushing setup
my board currently states otherwise, running 35/35
with the caveat yhat i’m not using the stock bushing setup
they’re just pussies, all i can say
i may, if i have moni and tiem
may get like a fuckton of bushing and have sone form of documentation of pkp bushing setup
if i follow through with this idea @RipTideSports is there any possibility of reduced prices? this’d be sometime mid-late next year
+1 for the HD Stooge trucks. The axle is basically a 5/8" threaded rod, turned down to 12mm for the bearings.
But the regular (non-HD) is only 1/2" and 10mm and a couple guys in my area have bent them, you definitely want the HD version.
8" pneumatic tires are probably also a good idea. Or bigger, if you’re feeling saucy.
Or take it to the next level and get a Propel Endeavor 2. The suspension is great for rough roads. The only catch is that it’s mostly proprietary parts, other than wheels (12mm axles) and pulleys (MBS 5-spoke pattern)