The battery builders club

The trickle charger yeah I’ve left that on while welding, welding surprisingly brings the battery down quick. I think @DuckBatterySystems does that too.

What size nickel are you using? Cause if it’s .15mm you’ll likely be more than fine.


Yeah cool. I’ll trickle charge as I go then.

Not actually sure how thick the nickel is as Kayde sent some tabs for me with the cells I bought from him. Glyphiks threw some in the package i got from him too so will check thickness tmw as come in from shed now.

Lead acid /SLA/AGM batteries like to be full. I leave my welding battery permanently on the charger, even while welding.

All of the nickel I sent you in rolls was 0.15, but the pre cut tabs vary, some are 0.15, some are 0.2


Great to know thanks!! And super appreciative man. If this little 12s3p goes ok then it gives me confidence to go bigger later.


Cool, I happen to have a Pi collecting dust. I would love a tutorial.

Thx bruh :call_me_hand:t6:

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A word of caution: if you have a super cheap shitty charger, I’d recommend not doing this. I had this kill the arduino in my maletrics due to some kind of voltage spike. But then again, many people do this without issue, so idk.

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I have 1 group acting a bit funky, nothing crazy but 0.070v difference after draining it to 3.3v(45%)

its such a big battery its almost a non issue except today i charged it a bit more than I normally do (charger stops a few volts before max voltage), and that same group is now holding more of a charge than the rest. its at 4.19v vs 4.15v on the rest of the battery - this was also a slow overnight charge at 5a

normally when it charges it balances nearly perfectly, so im stumped on what could be the issue. I highly doubt its a weld issue as there are alott of welds on this one, no less than 6-8 welds per terminal

How many cells do you have in parallel? If it’s past like 10p you probably have a broken weld.

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I’ve been building batteries for the last few years, but just completed my first MTB battery. This is a 12s7p P42A pack for my Haero Bro deck. Thanks @ShutterShock for the nickel source! Will be buying more in the future.

First, I did some layout work to make sure the battery would fit in the enclosure box:

Then completed the spot welding phase:

Balance tabs pre-tinned:

Pre-sorted the balance wires to avoid overlap:

Balance wires soldered in place:

Power leads soldered in place:

Shrink wrapped:

It’s tight, but fits just right!


Nice! That was a pretty quick build haha

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Yeah, it came together really quick. It was really nice not having to solder the series connections. Knocked it out over the Labor Day weekend.

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Damn dude, that looks great although I can’t condone soldering the main power leads down directly on nickel over the cells. I always make those connections on a folded over piece of nickel so that the solder heat isn’t directly on the cell.

Something like that. When doing the actual solder join, I place a piece of FR4 under the tab, so that the heat doesn’t just go straight through.


Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I wasn’t sure how to best go about that. I kept the soldering to an extreme minimum, meaning I tried to be quick and only applied solder in-between the cells. I touched the top of the cells and they only got warm to the touch. Would like to find a better solution for future builds though, because it could get risky if I was careless.

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Hey same haha

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After a few hiccups with the K-Weld I’ve finally welded my first nickel tabs :partying_face:. First few were a little overcooked comparing to some welds on here so turned joules down a touch.

At first I was getting undercurrent faults and thought my single lead acid battery wasnt enough so i got another 2nd hand and hooked up in parallel only to get the same faults. Turns out the connections i was using were badly soldered by me :man_facepalming:. I chopped them off and sinply screwed the wire down in the screw terminals of the battery and was good to go. Thanks for you help @Tony_Stark and @glyphiks as always!!


Please somebody confiscate any battery building materials I own! I should never again be allowed anywhere near this stuff! This is way harder than I thought and gives me even more admiration for a lot of you guys on here!!!

Luckily this is only for a low powered, hub motor short board. But part of me is still considering de-soldering the lot and throwing in the towel.


Hehe just need more practice man. My packs also don’t compare to the nice ones on here, but eh we’ll get better

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When it comes to soldering, it’s all about the equipment and materials. What iron and solder are you using?

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