Tenka ESC using an old bt module from a focbox

Hi everyone,

It has been 3 days without being able to set-up my motors. This is the second Tenka ESC I buy and it’s the first time I have this issue. It keeps on timing out to update the firmware. I tried booting the firmware and uploading the firmware with a downloaded file and nothing works. I tried focbox UI, vesc tool for android and vesc tool for windows. I’m starting to loose my mind. Did I bought a bad ESC?

Thanks for a reply and stay safe.


Kind of yeah, but I don’t think that’s the issue here.

Is the VESC disconnecting during the firmware update? How many times have you tried updating the firmware? I find VESCTool for Windows works just fine, but sometimes I have to do the firmware update 2-3 times for it to finally take.

Sometimes, if the firmware is older, you have to do a middle step with a Vesc Tool version a few iterations back.

I tried jumping from Ackmaniac to the latest version last year and had this problem until I did a middle step of 1.25 iirc (you can find in the repository here on the forum) and that solved it.

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Tenka is just a handicapped unity. Will only work on fw5+… or unity fw


Thanks for the quick replies.

If I bootload, it stays on the 23.46 version? I tried many times to upload and it always times out.

I also tried to download the firmware without any results. I really don’t know what could be the issue. A brink vesc?

that may be the issue. I will try with an older vesc tool version. thanks.


It won’t work. You need firmware 5 or above.

Also have you tried connecting via usb? Or has that been castrated from the tenka as well?

Bluetooth firmware upgrades are difficult at the best of times.

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Yes I have tried with the USB without any results. I have tried with ackmaniac app but my esc won’t connect.

These threads may help


+1 on the second link

Sometimes the VESC tool won’t upload the firmware, and I’ve had to use one a ST-Link to manually upload it.

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So, the problem is the bootloader? I just want to make sure. I keep on getting timed out when I want to upgrade the firmware.


jpo tenka ya money. ive never seen so many threads on problems with any other esc.


The Tenka is made by a guy who is known for ripping people off and making low quality stuff… so it’s possible the unit is just junk

However, I have been unable to connect to a vesc 6 with the vesc tool over usb, and loading the firmware via a stlink solved that problem.

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Yup, trash product from a garbage human.


tenka is potted, OP might have a hard time just to hook it up :joy:

Good to know. I will not buy again.

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Good point, hopefully the swd port is exposed, hard to tell from this pic

The right pins are in the weird mini-dupont thing

Looks like the SWD port is a black port just above the white JST connectors.

This link that glyphiks posted above should show where to plug it in, as the Unity and Tenka are basically the same thing.