@Tech.Shit - shut the fuck up and figure yourself out

Just a friendly reminder that @BillGordon is a fucking pussy :grin:



And i got my own special badge


lol, I don’t know bill and haven’t interacted with him, but I’ll have to check that out. Thanks for the heads up.


He’s a genuinely great human. Someone just went off the rails one day. Or maybe he’s a fucking pussy :man_shrugging:t3:



We can get this thread rolling again if you can’t stop with your shit comments that you sprinkle here and there with a dash of elitism.
Mom rule for ya: If ya can’t say anything nice, fuck off, fb is a good place for you.


There’s likely good reason we don’t see photos of any of his builds.

@tech.shit you may learn a thing or two from this guy. You may not.


Subscribed, pretty sure the lady has his book

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He has a couple now, I’ve only read the first one. But if I could recommend to anyone to own just one book, that would be it.


His cycle is to talk shit, then when he’s called out on it he plays it off as if he didn’t mean anything by it and everyone else must be overreacting. Then he plays victim and in some way expresses fake empathy or rationale behind his attitude or tone, followed by repeating the same process over and over and over again. He used to go out of his way to comment on any posts I’d make on different social platforms. I have to hand it to him that he’s at least left me out of his conversations, but I feel like it’s also because he knows I don’t give a shit and will not just call him out, but I’ll roast him at the same time. I really hope the guy figures things out though. I think he just needs to sort out his hatred and blatant passive-aggressiveness towards people. Part of it is jealousy and some form of narcissism, he thinks his opinion is the only one that matters.


ah tbf I don’t think that’s really him being shitty, I’ve called him very directly on stuff including in this thread so I’m not exactly out to make friends but I think asking why one would care about branded grip tape (or a specific brand) isn’t really looking for trouble. Maybe I’ve gone soft but like that’s a reasonable enough question, he didn’t say “why… you’re such an idiot for caring” it was just asking why


Fair points. To me it was cumulative. Enough gray area comments that are subtly shitty added up to a call out.

If it was phrased as a proper question “why did you choose powell?” Vs “…why?..” its much different to me. I read between some lines and may or may not have been wrong.
Its all perception, and I perceived it differently than you bro. :heart:


I look at it this way-

When your past behaviour is really subpar and oft-repeated, you remain at DEFCON 2 for a lot of people. So it takes very little for people to boil over when the water is already pretty hot.


You said it better. Agreed.


I see your point for sure. However, I beg to differ in this case. Difference being, I’ve seen this guy in real life. I’ve seen him interact with people in real life as well. He has literally made people leave our group rides by making them feel unwelcome and saying something to them about how they shouldn’t be at the event since they aren’t riding electric longboards. Which is funny because he has no reason to be saying anything to anyone at our events. He did the same shit with people who were joining our facebook group. I should honestly pack up all the stories and problems he’s caused with all the different members of the Vancouver ESK8 group and we can publish it as a book for you. This isn’t your average “The guy trolls a lot” scenario. He’s banned from attending our events and has a thread dedicated to how shitty of a human being he is. There is no justifying it other than him showing (over time) a level of maturity that will eventually cause this opinion of him to fade. That’s all it’ll take, but I doubt it’ll happen.

I’m not sure how we’re saying different things.

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What were they riding though ? ^^’

(Just kidding, hey)


Oh, I thought you meant that you were giving him the benefit of the doubt since so many people just consider him to be shitty and thus it’s expected that any minor thing he doesn would also be considered a boil over, so I essentially misunderstood and thought you were saying what he’s done isn’t a big deal and we shouldn’t judge based on small minor things. I hope that makes sense. My bad. :slight_smile:

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lol. EUCs, ebikes, and escooters - all of which are welcome to join our group ride and social channels. He would take extreme offense to this, he didn’t understand that most of those riders were A. Part of the group YEARS before he even joined us and B. some started with electric longboards and moved on to other PEVs such as EUCs.

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its about damn time he realized he isn’t the center of the world, his opinion alone means nothing and does not matter

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