So word on the street is @torqueboards is going to drop some new wheels this week . Yeah, from the folks who made the TB110 – they are at it again with a whole new lineup.
I’ve been riding on a prototype set, and they are … plush as fuck . It’s really almost approaching pneumatic but without all the range issues that come with air-filled rubber tires.
I’ve been trying to chunk them as much as possible and so far haven’t been able to. @Skatardude10 also put a bunch of miles on the same set of prototypes.
I’ve got somewhere around 500 miles on mine, I took them off last weekend to clean bearings and I washed the wheels while I had them off. The still look practically new, even the drive wheels.
Ive got a set of those wheels, They should be called “Enertion - Hot Garbage Wheels” :). I’m not slamming on enertion, I loved the FocBox and Unity, have never really had the issues that others had with them. Those wheels though, ughhhh, hurts me to think about them.
I put maybe 100 miles on this set before sending them out to @b264. Although not super long riding personally, I did my best riding on some super rough roads around here and I have to echo Brian’s sentiment. These are near on par with my pneumatics minus the rolling resistance.
I did quite a few high speed slide tests trying to chunk them, and alas they wouldn’t chunk. I want to see reports of these chunking at some point, but the set I rode just wouldn’t. I’d be surprised if they do start chunking.
When these come out, I’m getting a set immediately. Dexter, PM me the minute these go live, I don’t want to miss it. Compared to ABEC 74a Reflex Superflys, these completely EAT that competition in terms of ride comfort… To me, there is no comparison except maybe riding 107 superflys compared to these is like the difference between riding smaller diameter substantially harder wheels and superflys … they are just a HUGE step up in terms of comfort and confidence. That should go without saying, grip is great, and somehow slides are not chattery, but slides are smooth and predictable… how??? dunno… gimme a set!!!
My experience with the older lineup is that I have never approached the end of life and I have sets with thousands of miles on them with no chunking whatsoever. These new ones I haven’t been able to put that many miles on them yet but all signs from here are really good.