Cool how you setup the track directly in Racebox Need to try that!
Always find it funny how my friend on go karting who pitched it to me kinda unintenionally created a standard in PEV racing :-D:D
I typically do standalone recording and then process as track afterwards. If it’s the first time then I create a new track (have had to do this a lot cause we get kicked out from spot to spot). I add start finish and one split.
Welp now that Esk8con is over I did get some new PRs practicing for it.
Heel side
Toe Side:
Thanks. List is updated. Both ways around in the 14’s - you are getting fast!
And so good to put a face on your tag in Vegas!
Been a while since I’ve updated my 3 lap times but I dug these out of my racebox downloads.
Heel is also a tenth quicker but no change on single lap standings.
Toe, need to tidy this up a bit.
Could I also get a board spec update please @davidbonde
Flowstate Semenbone 16s5p stooge track pack 4wd
This with linn or brp?
I think these were with BRPs, they slipped less at this particular location
After esk8con Ive learnt just how important tyre temperature is with BRPs functioning optimally.
That takes you up to fourth! Nice. Getting fast. Both Tas and Jeff told me in Vegas that you were coming!!
Your times are updated on the list.
Workin on it. Will hopefully have a bunch of new local names on the list soon
Can’t wait to try this out. I have a parking lot that hasn’t been resurfaced in ages (grippy), a racebox micro coming in, and some 8x3 slicks.
Yes please! Thats the recipe to get startet.
I did few short tutorials how to import the data from Racebox
and how to use it to find faster times
Finally got my Ankle Wreacher around a T track.
Thanks @MarioChacon for setting it up at the dam and letting me use his RaceBox! and the rest of the Dam crew for a fun Sunday.
I want to try again soon, I think I’ve got another half second in me.
Almost top 10 first go is super impressive
Good job, that’s seriously quick for a first try! I gotta get out again before you catch me but my board is still broken down hahaha
Nice. And yeah at least half a sec.! List will be updated shortly.
Shortly is relative. Lists are updated.