SuperCharged Vanguard | 20s4p | MakerX D100 | 140Kv 6354 on Savage TKPs [RETIRED]

We’re back up and running after a couple minor hiccups. Got the lit af @Savage1 TKPs on there, super excited to give those a full on ride (whenever the rain stops or I get back to the parking garage).

Hiccups: closed the enclosure but the ppm adapter was plugged in backwards so no input or remote connection. And when running detection the motor that was a part of my accident was being really weird. Made lots of loud sounds but didn’t spin, the FOC values were not sticking when running the wizard. After manually inputting and writing to the VESC it now spins up fine. Took it for a mini spin seems good to go.

Still needed:

  • ordered proper motors
  • play with the bushings
  • foot stop coming in tomorrow
  • vicious clear grip (I think the grip is lacking)
  • butyl tape and call it good