For the past couple months I’ve been brainstorming my dream electric skateboard. Bc I’m going off to college soon I want something that’s lightweight, super robust, and comfortable. However, I’m also a speed demon and a downhill skater, so i by know means want it to be weak. I like carving at speeds of 40mph+ on the regular and love a balls to the wall powerful board. Recently, ive been seeing boards popping up with much more reasonable power to weight ratios (DKWAN’s Parsec and Mach 1) and figured i would take a crack at it myself.
My goal is to build a board to emulate my downhill racing setups (Small, Stiff, narrow trucks, smaller grippy wheels, stable) and fuse it with Eskate racing setups (insane power, grip, durability, axle deck rail alignment), while also having it be a great casual board!
Functional Requirements:
-Sub 20 lbs
-Compatibility with 80mm-177mm wheels/race tires
-Modular battery (programmed to change config based on battery chemistry (lipo/lion)
-Stability at 60+(given ideal road conditions)
-Truck width less than 200mm
-Fast charging
Looking to design and manufacture
-modular battery system
-Motor mounts
For the deck, I’m thinking about something similar to the Rocket Simplex construction wise. I may throw in a few plies of maple for added shock absorption. A symmetrical deck is ideal as i would like to add LDP style brackets to raise wheelbase and drop ride height. Also to make it compatible with more wheels.
For the trucks, I basically intend to close my 111mm Zealous trucks and make them closer to 200mm. I’m a huge fan of how they slide and feel in corners, partly in due to their very deep round tapered bushing seat.
For motor mounts a drive train parts, I already have a set drawn up in CAD that are ready to be machined. Key traits of these include pocketing for extra weight savings, X shaped crossbeams for added rigidity, bash guards, and a cloth carry strap on the back. I did take heavy inspo from the IDEA motor mounts so shoutout those!
I did just only recently start this design a planning prosses, I’m considering making content on the building of this board and I’m considering making a GoFundMe or something because I’m lowkey broke :'(. If you would be interested in seeing content, funding this project, or have any design recc’s lmk!