Summerboard SBX V1 BMS ByPass help?

Hi all,

I hope someone can help. I have a Summerboard SBX V1, and unfortunately, it has developed the dreaded BMS fault. The board won’t turn on unless it’s plugged in and charging.

From my understanding, it’s possible to bypass the BMS. I believe someone has successfully done this and got their board working, but the drawback is that you have to remove the battery to turn it off, as the switch and SBC light no longer work.

If anyone can assist me with this, I would greatly appreciate it and am willing to donate for your efforts. I want to start small and eventually move towards a full DIY setup with an ESC and different batteries.


This issue could be solved by adding a loop key to the battery box or possibly elsewhere on the board. The LED up top could likely be tied into somewhere on the V1 SBX esc/mobo although not sure about the current ability of the ESC 5V output. Also reusing those pins for something non standard could pose a danger if you put the wrong battery on the wrong board.

The magnet activation thing mentioned elsewhere is to turn the stock BMS on so that can be ignored for this job as far as I know.

If somehow we got a group of people who wanted a group buy of custom SBX battery packs I could have custom printed battery boxes for I would hope 21700 size cells.

Oke looks like Aaron disagrees that something like


is possible.


I removed the small board and connected four wires: yellow to yellow, red to red, white to white, and black to black. I then reinstalled the battery, but nothing happened. Using a multimeter, I measured 22.8V and 20.7V. The board powers on with the charger connected, but not with the battery alone.

I’m unsure how to proceed or if it’s even possible. The LiPo setup seems promising, especially since Lucian has successfully done the modification. However, I haven’t received any response from him regarding photos or which wires he joined.

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I wish there was a more straightforward method of just shorting some pins and overriding the built-in power switch circuit of the V1 SBX motherboard. Could be replacing by a generic antispark switch.

Perhaps also buying the V2 SBX motherboard and then making that lipo mod battery is the way to go.

A friend suggested to buy 2 li-ion batteries, and use that instead on my v1 motherboard thoughts?

Tx30s into a xt30 dual to a xt60 with a capacitor/ resister to stop sparks and damage)

Hi David, need your help a lot!!! Please contact me at thank you in advance!!!

*Rumbles in distance