Summer 2021 E-Games of D.I.R.T

I know I would have done it rolling away from the board, so that the drive wheels turning kick it up

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I can’t believe it flipped … I gave up after the first few tries… Saw all y’all’s videos and decided to give it another shot


I do generally agree with you on this, however seeing some other guys using a regular piece of wood and driving over it i thought this would also count. Riding over a 1 inch piece of wood doesnt really add anything difficulty wise :sweat_smile:

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Give me 24hrs or less, I got a trick I think everyone can do.


Haha nice job!

I suppose that is true, I guess I just looked at it as more of an ollie exercise lol

:pleading_face: being nice on us huh lol

What time zone are you?

what are those sounds your board is making lol

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CST I think, Im from Missouri and we in the Middle of the US. So its a good guess.
XD 5:12pm now.

So probably not going to get it out today then? I imagine it’s getting dark there?

I want to get my chance to set a trick one of these weeks

Also, @Andy87 is there a rule that no person can claim a trick twice? It hasn’t happened yet, but no one has brought it up either

internet sucks

made it! just in time i hope

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i like the very first attempt the most. That little nudge is just too cute.


Damn I thought a lot more letters were going out tonight! Well done folks :call_me_hand:


Going for torque, anything other than acceleration forward means peeling out.

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I spent so much time kickflipping my wand in various ways that I had 8GB of footage. Then I spent many hours editing and now I’m lost. Yeah I could just upload a single clip but that would be a waste so I take the bonus week for editing please. My body hurts a lot, no idea why I put that much effort in this challenge, maybe because i am still angry about all the money i spent on this junk. I tried my best to destroy it :laughing:.


Lol you copied my baby nudge technique to see how it works :grinning:

It’s very amusing to me hearing the conking sound of the raptor deck boucing around

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ya, had to see how i need to make it flip flop
but only did it once and then just went for it :joy:
all the times you see me have at it is all the times i’ve ever attempted it, went head first lol
love bringing you guys along for the adventure as i try and learn :yum:
straight launched it so many times, it was amazing, i lowkey wanna see how far I can punt the deck


Lol my wife was watching when I clicked on the video and she was like wow that board went so far hahah


the raptor really took to its name and flew :joy:


BEAN PLANT: (Over anything! Must be over 1inch tall.)

Video is posted for 7PM CST. IE 12mins from time of this post.

Front Hand Grabs Heel-side Near Bindings/Middle of Decks Rail.
Front Foot Leaves Deck to Plant on ground and Propel you over an object.

Do not confuse this with Boneless IE: “The Boneless One”
That is your Back Hand Grabbing Toe-Side and your Front Foot Leaves the Deck to Plant.

NOTE: You may need to switch remote hands to do this, You can see in my videos intro what happens if you forget to swap remote hands. XD



Fuck yeah, I was hoping to have to learn this one! I failed at it 2 weeks ago and still have a huge bruise on my ankle.

As always, I appreciate the tips and slow mo.