Stormcore 100D DRV fault. DRV83235_FAULTS : | FAULT | CPU V | Has anyone seen this fault before?

@jack.luis is working on repairing my 100D for me. Currently, there is a fault that leads to the 5v and 3.3v rails. Perhaps it was my fault as I ran a small tail light off the 5v.

Heres the details:

Anyone have any ideas?

Heyo, just one more data point I forgot to add to our DMs

One of the DRVs is way hotter than the other but both are giving the CPU V error

I’m gonna replace the hotter one first

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Yeah I noticed the same. The one on the left side correct?

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Stormcores and unity kinda sucks to repair.
Just swap out both IC’s and see if it helps. fault tracing these are a rabbit hole