Does anyone know the circumference of the bolt pattern on stooge spur gears?
@MoeStooge If you’re willing to share or DM, I’d super appreciate it!
I thought 42mm but wasn’t sure and am not home to check… also I’m impatient.
This is the dimension I’m hoping to attain.
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The 4 bolts or 5 bolts pattern?
the 5 bolt pattern for attaching spur gears to the hubs.
I tried to diension it in fusion, but I’ve clearly done something wrong (skill issue).
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Oooo idk… Moe hasn’t taken very kindly to people asking him for design advice lately…
I’m not caught up to any of that. I just know that it make sense to ask the main man first, if that doesn’t work then maybe others can break out the caliper.
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You’re good… Just don’t go adding any cylinders to it