Stealthiest Board Possible

No Exway hubs?

The design is a bit too much for my liking but they’d pass probably :grin: I never had them though :sunglasses: the Mads even have a real axle nut and you can use a generic Paris style truck.

Yup, mad hubs are probably the most stealthy because it has the rear axle nut.


Alrighty… looks like prebuilt might actually be the way to go. Who would’ve thought? :laughing: Thanks for the suggestions everybody. I’ll look around at everything and see what I end up on. I feel like if I get a pre-built I’d customize it for sure to give it my own flare.

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Costume leg on a motorized cam that makes it look like you’re pushing.

I see no flaws.


Have you heard of JayKay e-trucks? I’d try them if I were you. They are the stealthiest thing I’ve ever seen.


An exoskeleton for your leg, synchronized with board movement, perfect, im gona steal your idea :yum::joy:

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An exway is your best bet, swap the griptape for even more stealth.


Reality buzzkill -
How’s it gonna be stealthy while you’re smashing it around campus on it? Might be able to look stealthy when not in use but the most likely time you’ll get nabbed is when you’re speeding around between lectures isn’t it? Presumably the rule is for ‘protection’ of others…


The stealthiest product I’ve seen are the Jaykay e-trucks. Speed and range are minimal, but they they are the most stealthy esk8 product I’ve seen. Batteries, ESC are in the truck’s hanger! I haven’t used them yet but I’ve been following their progress for a year and they impress me so far!

EDIT: @b264 already mentioned them


Improving isn’t stealing! My fault for not thinking of it first :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@jamie @b264 I’ve been tracking JayKay for a while but I haven’t seen anybody who actually has them and they are quite expensive. Are there any real-world reviews of them?


Another vote for the exway.
That thing looks like a push board. I don’t know how they managed to get all that lithium in such a slim case. I haven’t seen a stealthier board. Even has a slow mode so you don’t stand out. Combine with @Venom121212 's costume-leg-on-a-cam and you’ll be invisible, lol

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Definitely just get a Teamgee or Exway, you can’t DIY that kind of slimness. maybe sticker bomb the bottom and the exposed electronic panel to really make it look like a normal longboard.

You can test-ride them in Germany. Road trip!

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You won’t be able to DIY a board as stealthy as the exway x1. Those things are ridiculously thin in real life.

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Haya83 isn’t the only integrated deck available., with the Hummie Deck being another great option. There are also options on Aliexpress

Exway pro riot set up will get your 4 real wheels and a close to thin as a longboard deck.

Drawbacks are that you can see the motors under the deck and harder to kick push a belt drive set up.

The meepo campus is pretty stealthy.

Actually… I’m in Germany right now. Guess I might have to contact them and try to hop over next week and see if they’ll let me test a set.


Hummie deck has an enclosure.