Split PWM ("PPM") settings

I really dont care what degree you have or if its applicable to the discussion. Im just sharing my point of view. If you insist on reliability of systems. Ripping a CAN cable out of a system in operation. Is not a normal operational state/condition. Thats is a human error.
Combining that with non isolated CAN trancievers on questionable hardware… Still doesnt justify using a ground looped system. (Since that is an intentional incorrect installment)

Your statement about your being an electrical engineer seemed to me to have been introduced to intimidate, or to simply tell me to STFU and let the intelligent people make the decisions. If that was not your intent I apologise.

Regarding the topic let’s be clear. Do you agree that more hardware has hit the trash pile because of can bus failures than split ppm issues?

If you agree then I don’t see what the issue is other than the original design being faulty and NO manufacturer correcting the design flaw.

If you disagree then please produced numbers.

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Unless the introduced incorrect installation is more robust than the recommended one.

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You can do that with two receivers. Slave Vesc would need to check can status and switch to ppm if necessary. Lots of chances for new issues…
More complexity is not a guarantee for more reliability.
In reality a good ESC doesn’t simply blow.
And if you want that kind of redundancy, you would need a remote with two different split transceivers.

For maner:
Marketing on.
On our entire fleet of boards (25 Boards in constant abuse), not a single VESC gave up in three years. Offroad usage, dirt, mud, dust, jumping around…
Marketing off.

If they work, they work.

Congratulations I suppose. I only have 6 atm, of which only 1 uses split ppm.

My point is that you continually speaks as though the Trampa VESC is the only one that
exists and/or matters when in fact there are more FocBox’s currently in use than Trampa VESC 6, not to mention all the others.

When you offer advice you should be specific to the ESC. Your statement “split ppm is not advisable” is simple not true when speaking about reliability and longevity across all VESC variants.

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You are hopeless! Ground loop your systems if you feel that it’s adequate. For everyone else out there: DON’T do such stupid things.

Your a marketer and not an engineer. If you didn’t want people using split PPM then should have designed a better ESC, one that didn’t blow up when you disconnected can.

You cant argue the facts so you result to name calling, I’m not in the least bit surprised.

Great info and discussion, but, lets all get along. These threads are created for me and others to learn. I love it when discussions are broken down because it helps me learn and share with other people. These are my 3rd and 4th builds, my 2nd build (my personal everyday board) has been in PPM setting for almost 2 yrs. Not even once have i had any issues with PPM. I guess it just comes down to the person themselves deciding if to use CANBUS or PPM, either way as explained in this discussion, we are all taking a chance with both.
Thank you to all of you for sharing.


I use two remotes… it’s quite nice actually… hard to smoke a blunt n ride though…

Dual receivers for the win perhaps?


Yeah, what’s the point of going with split ppm when you can use two receivers?

You see any downsides except you need the extra 1"x0,5" room for the second receiver?


That severely limits what remote you can use.

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in other words those remotes aren’t correctly designed :grin:


LOL, so the only correctly designed remote is the mini?

You are not invited @b264, we all know your opinion :slight_smile:.




Would it be an idea to start thinking about some kind of redundancy incase of a failure on the master VESC?

Would it be possible have a single receiver and a PCB with gubbin’s between the controllers to just send the PPM signal without the GRN issue that I dont understand?

I highly recommend dual receivers over split PWM (“PPM”).


How do you set that up?

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Thats the video i used when i built my 1st board almost 3 yrs ago. Great learning video.

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