Spiral Bevel Gears Drive

Who the fuck would ever want to do pure FWD on an esk8. Especially a short esk8

Like… there’s a reason a planes wings and engines are in the 2/3rds area. Cause physics says it wants to naturally fly in air day way.

Planes with wings in the front 1/3 don’t fly.

They crash.

That was learned by people who must not like math the hard way


Planes and cars work differently haha

Fwd cars don’t fly well. Must be true lol


That post was mostly intended to be complete sarcasm and humor.

I do however genuinely think a FWD esk8 would be very uncomfortable feeling. Maybe I wong because I white and not very smart


a fwd spiral bevel gear drive?
or fwd in general?

There are plenty of fwd builds on this forum

Front wheel drive builds? Please link me to them…

Maybe you mistake me to mean four wheel drive. I meant front wheel, as deeif had said


I was doing a 32in kicktail front wheel drive build so that I would still have a functional kicktail and maximum space for the enclosure on belt drives.
But never finished…


@hummieee is a front wheel driver too. It’s on my to do list too. For science.


also, @MoeStooge’s raceboard was FWD for a while

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Umm @MoeStooge’s :grin: I meant fwd on a short board so that you can still manual…

I thought about doing this for pure amusement. I picture it looking pretty outrageous

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@JaysTCB still racing Front drive.
Broke the all time stand up record at MaryHill and 53 mph uphill at the BakO race. 2nd place at Barrett Uphill a few weeks ago


and playing with bergs…

Edit: Just realised the airless 6in wheels might also fit with some padding :thinking:


Hi @MorrisHsu, Hope you are having a great start to your new year! Just wanted to see if you will be doing any new orders soon? I made sure to fill out the google form as requested on this page.

I can not wait to use this gearbox for my next build! :smiley:

Looking forward to hearing from you ^_^/

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Hey @Fluffyllamazz. I’m looking forward @MorrisHsu’s return, as well. In the meantime, check out WTS: Dual Spiral Bevel Gear set

So in my recent trip back to Taiwan I linked up with the Taiwan eskate community and caught up on some stuff. As far as news regarding spiral bevel goes, somebody knew Morris and the person in Taiwan who tested for Morris. Apparently as far as these go, that round was the last round outside of Taiwan. Sorry to disappoint folks.


Not to rub salt in wounds here, but I had a chance to take these out on bergs for a quick run and these were just wow :+1: much fun

140kv and 10s is pretty fast and torquey on the flat, I added some more grease and they are pretty silent so far, not louder than the tyre noise anyway.

Going to try to fit the airless wheels to these next as I’ve realised I’m not a big fan of pneumatic (too squishy/bouncy)


@AngryTrucker please post a video with sound if you have a chance. The only thing holding me back from searching for a set is @sofu’s videos where they were loud.

sure I’ll try to set something up later, probably an indoor comparison with another belt drive as I’m not super keen on trying to record the back end while gunning it :upside_down_face: the gearing keeps you on your toes

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quick blast 140Kv on the gears versus 270Kv on belts