Spain just went full flat-earther (ban on esk8 and other PEVs)

This does look like a top end list which will then be battered into something reasonable. Like, you never go in to a negotiation with your exact wish list, you always shoot high and then settle right?

With that said, I know the Spanish gov does like to get strange from time to time. Enforcement will be the big question, it’s illegal to esk8 in the UK but I see other people on the road most days outside of big cities bombing around happily and commuting. As long as they don’t bother anyone they are left alone.


This is part of why I ride at night, late, to avoid people,well and insomnia. Part of the problem is behaving badly, ever been to A large metropolitan area? After my visit,well I was hit twice by esk8ters plowing thru crowds. They ruin it for all. Me, when I see people, I slow way down, to a comic level, it’s clear I’m sharing the public space, you have nothing to fear. I have a long downhill ride that just got paved, it is a dead end, emergency evacuation route, with a gate they will open (READ , I will cut open) in an emergency. At first, people clutche their dogs and kids, when I pass, I say “hi, I will always slow for you, I’m not here to ruin you experience,I love it here too” now I get waves, smiles, the new people are reassured by those who know,I see them saying “he is ok,he will slow”
If we don’t protect it this thing we love they will take it. Your rights end where they are infringing on others,it’s that simple.

I’m sorry to hear this about Spain, band together, come up with a plan, or move to Florida, just don’t look for hills or vegetables ( I lived in fernandina beach and st Augustine,) like every place, there are great people and well Florida man. It’s a bastion of freedom, feel like hucking a gator thru a Wendy’s drive thru? Go for it.

I wish you luck, age has its privileges, by the time they ban in here, I’ll be too old to care, even now when I get shit, I take my helmet off and they see”ok there is a guy who has been working outside for 30 years”, they just smile, shake their head(cuz I’m going to be dead soon) and say have a nice day.Jason


I’m just delighted that “hate laws? Move to Florida!” Is becoming a thing round here now.


Seriously? this is new to me. At least my group doesn’t do dumb shit like this.


Thats progressive socialism for you…

Just think, fun level just went up to full send…every ride is illegal…

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That’s great, there are bad “apples” in every bunch, I didn’t mean to condemn your town, it was my experience, could have happened anyplace.

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And to be fair I wasn’t knocked down either time, but there was jarring contact this was 3 years ago.

Ah yes, nothing screams socialism like a regulation that hands over control of another chunk of a basic necessity (transit) to private corporations to rent it back to you

This may be a bit removed from libertarian individuality, but it’s not socialism


Here SF Bay Area we have huge groups on dirt bikes and quads who do wheelies through traffic,no helmet with the obvious intent of disrupting traffic and intimidating people. It’s just a matter of time till a car driver is pushed to run one of them down. I seriously wasn’t slagging “the city”it’s just my experience, perhaps I should have left location out? Next time I’ll take more care.

I edited “the city”to large metropolitan city, no matter what the intent, people get defensive of their town, I do it too.

Unfortunately all of your exemplary behavior can be undone in an instant. Bad actors are what get press, what people remember.

I should stop talking like I know shit, I really don’t, hell I’m struggling to make my self understood in writing at all.


lol you make a good point tho


I like that largely politics are not brought up on this forum. Other places petty sniping from both ‘“sides ” seeps in to everything. I can’t discuss a hamburger with out it, it is refreshing!!!

“i really like Barney’s burgers and fries” well that’s because you are a BLANK tard!!!(id kEEL you for having a different opinion if I could, KEEL UUUUU

Good job every one

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Greetings from the Netherlands where there is a ban on esk8.
A group is trying to get it legalized but its never gonna happen.
229 fatal injuries for bicycles of which 79 where e-bikes
esk8 zero count as wel for PEV’s.
The government looks at all the kids on their e-step which causes the most problems and uses that as the golden measure.
That’s why I ride in the evening and places where there are barely no police.
I envy anyone who lives in a country where riding is prohibited


It’s a catch 22– town councils think e-skate/scooter/etc will be ridden on sidewalks “harming pedestrians,” but those same councils don’t want to build cycling lanes.

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Not wanting a debate , but they are ran by a socialist party…they make the rules. Socialsist favourite trick is to blame buinsess…no its not the scooter company fault they want money . its the legislation gov passes…

If you must know, this does not come from the government, which is in fact somewhat leftist (and I say somewhat because holy shit do they bend the knee for corporations). This comes from the DGT (traffic authority) which is run by a dickhead that is literally on record saying that their revenue comes from registering new cars.

These regulations only favor big fat companies like Xiaomi or Bird, so I really wish these politicians were as socialist as they claim to be and took care of the population for once.


Moving over here to avoid spamming that thread

Yeah I know the name and general aims of the party, but this policy is clearly not socialist. The centre right government here often institutes increases in social welfare payments or extra public services, and those are socialist policies. Socialism, and political descriptions in general, are not a magical black and white hammer that people get hit with at birth.

To be fair though, I’m with you in blaming these politicians. I’m happy to blame people who are generally fairly socialist for their actions, if those actions are shitty and cause unnecessary privatisation or limit people’s ability to exist freely. Just because it was done by someone I largely agree with, doesn’t make it good, and doesn’t make it socialist.

While this feels intuitively true, it’s not. They lobby and create these laws. Lime, Voi, Bird, Skip, they have big venture capital money to throw around and they have been openly and in private lobbying for rental models as “the only safe way” or “sustainable! Convenient!” or “an innovative new market disruption”

Edit: oops I tried to move to the derail thread but accidentally posted it here

Edit 2: ok apparently I’m not right in blaming the politicians if it was just a beurocrat that made the decision? I’m leaving the point there because I agree with you in principle, even if we were both wrong about the detail


Socialism: a blanket term used by right wingers to blame literally anything ever on the opposition.