👾 Space Invader - Venom's 4th Build

Ahem. :raising_hand_man:t3: While you’re there, if you want to try these, I could send you a pair, since I think I bought a 4 pack. Assuming I can find them. :roll_eyes: Although you’d probably get them faster from Amazon.


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You are far too kind but I realized my running half helical half spur was actually slightly different ratios from each other.

Helical was 40/8
Spurs are 44/9

I thought they were 45/9 this whole time :sweat_smile:

Since one of my helicals broke a tooth and I have no backup, I’m going straight cut for now.


What is the purpose of a thrust bearing here?

All assembled back together :partying_face:

Threw some 8" roadies on this board for some upcoming long range runs and the visual difference alone had me giggling.

But boy does she clean up nice :sweat_drops:

No time for a ride before soccer practice tonight, hopefully after!


You made my day!
Man I didn’t know the word “giggle” but I had to giggle, too.
After looking for the meaning of the word… again giggling. Great to learn new words.

The enclosure seemed much smaller with the 9" wheels

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Man I swear I was going to post a pic saying “do these tires make my box look big?” :rofl:

It really does though. Now I want to see 10" wheels and if the box gets smaller.


Do it. Doooo it!!!


First run on the newly updated board was interesting…

Immediately, the torque was much stronger on the 8" wheels. This was nice. The roadies felt more light and nimble than the huge 9" wheels. These straight cuts are a lot quieter than my other ones. Definitely louder than the helicals though.

I wanted to get a video of the sound comparison so I stopped and heard a dog panting. It ran past me with no owner but a collar on and looked very nervous.

It didn’t want to come to me but I skated next to it and it was jogging with me. Then it turned and went in to the woods. Sooo my first ride on these brand new slick tires started off with a woods run :sweat_smile:

Eventually I found the owner and they were reunited.

Back to my routine skate route and it was a good one. Top speed was cut down a bit which was a bummer but the torque was worth it. Consumption was surprisingly good given the woods riding (double the value shown)


Do you have a sound clip of 0-20mph or whatever speed you are comfortable with? I’d like to hear what they sound like?


Now that sounds great!!! 35 is flying!!!


30 mile ride today. Wish me luck :crossed_fingers:t2:

Back up board just in case


That’s a sweet little short board!

Lol. Imagine this in other sports - “just to be safe, I strapped my folding bike to my mountain bike.”


At least with a urethane binding-less board, you can still push it when dead. Pushing this mtb would be… Not fun.

I kinda wanna know how the little tug boat will do lugging his big bro home.


Did you bring a tow strap?
Do ittt



My dog’s finest leash :+1:


I made it! Didn’t even need the back up board which is nice to know for the equidistant trip going the other direction.

I kept it pretty easy on the way down the path and turned around at 54% battery.

But on the way back I was zipping pretty normally, trying to run out the battery and still ended with 15% :partying_face:

The path was delightful, wooded on both sides through a low river valley.

Went through some old town I haven’t explored before.

As far as my bike path conquering goes:

All of these are there and backs, no one ways yet because car.

I did red the other day with my neighbor to a brewery and back. He barely ran out on my 10s5p 30q circuit board but would have made it if we charged it at the beer stop.

Blue was today and I stopped at the junction of red path.

Purple is my next planned route. There are tons of cool paths I’d like to hit at Caesar Creek. They dammed up the river to make a lake and flooded a whole town. There are still old houses and shops under the water. No way I can ride up there, around the park, and then back though :disappointed_relieved:

To be continued…


Are you planning to do a tow truck test with the Leaf board anyway, just to see how it performs? I’d be curious to see how it handles a 1-2 mile tow now that you’re talking about it. I’m also wondering if it would help to add 1 or 2 caster wheels to the front truck to lift the front tires off the ground while towing, so it tracks better when turning and towing. I guess I could just try this myself, but then it might never happen. :man_shrugging:

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Oooh interesting. I’d prop up the motorized end and tow it backwards so the front wheels are just free rolling and not dragging. I like it and will do a test.


Oh yeah, duh. Casters on the rear truck. Much better idea.

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