👾 Space Invader - Venom's 4th Build

Thanks a lot man you made discover this thing lol
I’ll probably do the same with my motors

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I’ve never had a cracked magnet but would surely hate to deal with it.

A very wise man once told me:

If you don’t have time to do it right, you better have time to do it again.


Beautiful work, Justin! And the build thread…:ok_hand:t2: :star::sparkles::star2::dizzy::rocket::flying_saucer::alien:


Bro. Srlsly bro!!! Just wow.


Also what made you turn the base plates that way?

I should have measured the plates before getting the nose cut that much :sweat_smile:

Flipping them fixed it for me


Such a nice build has me thinking it’s about time I drink some of that sweet sweet mountain board coolaid. MBS Australia has been out of stock of oil slicks since the “boomer remover” started. I could always get them from Alex.


New stock in November I think. They are out of heaps of stuff


Sweet…one of the few places you can buy gear cheaper that overseas and no evolve doesn’t count…pffft.

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Don’t forget discount code ESK8BUILD15


Mate told me about it…if they are getting stock I could go for a MBS deck instead of a eflux as I can do my own battery enclosure.

Wait I’m confused now. Which way are you actually ridding them? Quick picture of the bottom?

Front end


Mostly we just rob liquor stores and gambling establishments. Occasionally we have to date rich people though. Sometimes we build boards so beautiful we can pick pockets while the people stare. Whatever we have to do.


Ok. So yeah. I rock my baseplates the other way.
which keeps the board a little lower.

Someone had suggested I flip mine like you have for the haero for more clearance off the ground when trying the 110s.

But you are already on 9 inch tires right?

So why have the baseplate the way you have it?

I’m not saying either way is right… I am just wondering why you went that way.

In the top photo I posted, the baseplate hangs over the edge of the deck if I don’t reverse it.


God dude. I totally did not see that. Got you now…

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First crash today :dizzy_face: But it wasn’t me.

I asked my neighbor if he wanted to go for a ride before our kids got off the bus, he said sure. I asked him what board he wanted to ride and he said the space invader… I half jokingly said no its too new but felt bad later and let him eventually try it on some long stretches. He was going faster and faster and I was getting nervous about my baby so I started to catch up to say something when it happened.

Wobble right, wobble left, wobble right, wobble left, wobble right, almost recovery left, down.

Thank God everything is completely fine. He wobbled towards the right side of the road and while finally cutting back to the left, he touched some wet grass on the edge of the road and the board slid in front of him.

His ass bounced on the concrete once before he slid into the grass. He will feel it tomorrow but he was up immediately, worried about if he damaged the board.

Next thing he said was “man, that thing just keeps accelerating more and more” :rofl:

He must have been going close to 30 mph because I was struggling to catch up on the Circuit Board.

No damage whatsoever to my board which is crazy for a fall in bindings at that speed. Just some mud to match the rest :fallen_leaf:

Stay safe and ride often.


:call_me_hand:t4: :+1:t4::dash:


I have boards that top out around 18-22mph (fast enough to leave the scooters in the dust) and those are the ones I let newbies ride. Still berating them if they go for stop speed right out of the gate. Like, run off a few times before you push a board beyond that ability for recovery… I’ve thought long and hard about what’s going to happen to me if I fall of the board at 30mph+.