Hoyt puke
Idk why everyone hates on the good ol nano v2. Its simple, cheap, never drops, you can literally use one remote with any number of boards so you don’t have to change remotes when you changes boards, and you can finger twirl it like a mother f*cka. Yes calibration I know I know
@NingNing good luck getting her back on he road
for me.
calibration + feel. == dislike.
hammer head mod. feels good. constant calibration… == dislike.
I feel ya man the other positives out weight them for me is all.
Get a new deck for it?
Sure did
Hopefully getting back on it tomorrow
Just read this whole thread…
What a roller coaster, like a sad movie with a happy ending.
Come on NingNing give us happy endings!
Pics pls
Uuuuh, that’s gorgeous!
How’s the ride? Do we get a video?
No time yet on the new deck
Yeah I’ve already ordered one and new ends
Should be here by Friday
Seems like it, PM him quick to beat out the other buyer