Some Reporting Issues with Vesc Wand (Under investigation)

Yes, but the BLE chipset is not designed to send signals over long distances. It is a Low Energy solution. Even when using shock burst.

So you don’t have cutouts, guess that means no one does regardless of multiple reports.


Yes it is.

Nordic performed its tests using an nRF52840 SoC running no FEC (raw data throughput of 1 Mbps) then with full FEC (125 kbps). For a normal Bluetooth 5 connection, the range for the former operational mode was 682 m and for the latter 1,300 m.


Thanks @mmaner for bringing this up!

  • It means that I did not have had dropouts.
  • It also means that those two cases with receivers in carbon battery enclosures had dropouts, but this also does not mean that the WAND does not work at all.

Regarding your point of the usage of “empirical method”, which you based on TWO cases with carbon enclosures is quiet funny - compared to the hundreds of WANDS around WITHOUT dropouts.

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How far can you go away from your Board and stream the RT-data to your phone?

I never said there were 2, there are far more than that plus reproducible connection issues that exist because if the case. You not recognizing issues does not mean they don’t exist.

Regardless, if a TRAMPA remote doesn’t work in a TRAMPA case, doesn’t that also seen a reasonable topic for discussion?

Obviously you aren’t interested in discussion, you just wanna attack me for some unknown reason.

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@mmaner Could you please move your discontent with Trampa and Frank to some of the other threads. We can clearly see there is a problem and don’t need you to point it out everywhere. It’s just causing more spam and derailing actual discussion.

I am as against anti-dick behavior that tramps engages in as you are but this obsession with calling him out is getting out of the hand here.


I can’t. This is a wand issue in the wand thread.

It doesn’t appear that Trampa knows there’s a problem.

I’m not pointing it out everywhere, only in the appropriate thread.

Please correct me if I am wrong:
The Trampa cases got their receiver part on top of the case in a extra plastic department.
The guys you are talking about had carbon cases underneath their decks - I myself had my GT2B receiver under the deck hidden and had drop outs - until I put it outside.

You often use this kind of emotional comment tactic (cant call them arguments) to distract from the real topic and play the poor victim - does not serve you well.


I always thought this Forum wanted to make things better. Jason is having a big laugh!


Weird. Been running multiple GT2B’s for over 3 years locked away in carbon fiber enclosures sitting on top of phase wires. Even inside cf decks with cf enclosures. Never once had a cutout.


You’re so, so wrong Frank. Let’s not get desperate here. Let’s stick with the wand. :wink:


That’s bullshit. I just don’t know you, you’ve never contributed anything if import yet you attack every post I have where I call TRUMPA out for something irresponsible. That makes new wonder about you.

Correct - I was also not happy. Maybe it was something else - but with the antenna outside it worked. But I realized that with batteries under deck - I was missing clearance and chanced to a pelican box on top.

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I have six different models of remotes, four decks with carbon fiber enclosures, two of those carbon fiber enclosures have NRF modules and none of them, as in zero ever, have had a cut out.

The fact that multiple wand users, as in more than two, have cut out issues is an issue that needs to be discussed. You trying to distract from that issue by attacking me is pointless and silly and you should be ashamed.

@Trampa if you don’t like it here nobody’s making you stay.


You may not see it but by being this obsessive you are actually destroying the forum reputation and possibly forcing a vendor out of the forum, by stalking/harassment. This is what enertion was doing, of course for different reasons but the end result was same.


I fondled a wand the other day. I love how it looked and felt. Minus the throttle. It feels soooooo cheap and like something that should be on a dollar store toy. Why did you guys cheap out when everything else seems so quality? @Trampa

One week with that remote and I know it would be broken. Feels just a shitty as a nano-x (the worst remote ever made IMHO).


You just applied the same tactic - blame someone else… claim something bad (even offtopic) about that person - derailing … throwing shit around.

I continue to watch the UK Parliament live - thats even more refreshing.

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I disagree. Frank said something silly, I called him on it. You don’t have to like it, but I do have the right to rebuttal.

I’m not forcing anything other than accountability.

What is the data guys? It’s always important to get the data in these matters.

How many wands total have been sold?

How many verifiable issues have been recorded?

How many wands have been returned back to trampa as non working?

Once we know this, we can make a statement of if there is a problem or not. So far for me I have ridden a fair bit with mine and it is issue free. Well actually I did have a jumpy throttle with the trigger kit but that has been resolved. Still to experiance a single cut out that I am aware of and I never saw the code freeze either (but I acknowledge that was an issue with original firmware)