Some New FOCers (84V VESC 6 based controllers)

We need new reliable motor controllers, this is a great project and I wish you the best of luck!


Are you planning on an access hole for the drv on these as well?

I loved that bit of thought on the cheap FOCer


You sir are brilliant. Following this with bated breath.


Very excited for this, once everything goes well 12s and 13s systems will be left in the dust!

The 20s and 24s revolution will begin

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I fear that moment…I very much worry that the wrong people will do the wrong things with the extra voltage.


100v DC is very hazardous indeed…


I’m patiently waiting to the mother FOCer to be available, is going to be builded on a Onewheel mod, is going to be nuts or I will die testing, one or another.
Btw @shaman do you think I will be able to connect a mpu and use PID controllers to get the wheel to balance?
I can imagine this FOCer need a custom firmware, or maybe I can use directly vedders firmware?


that, plus I worry that people put 16s+ in there actual setup without adjustment to lower kV or changing the gearing.
people with not the right board or experience to handle that high speeds than.


Not for these. The DRV for these controllers come in a leadless package. It’s already sort out of the bounds of typical DIY skills.

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The on board STM32 can communicate via UART or CAN to potentially another MPU for balancing a wheel. That would be a project though.

These FOCers will indeed have their own particular firmware due to the different DRV being used. Not many changes are needed since there is already support for the DRV8323 which is very similar.


Design submitted for review. There isn’t a set ETA for this since the reviewer(s) are doing it as a favor in their spare time. However, Mr. Vedder himself might put eyes on the design files and provide feedback. I’ll keep you guys posted. Wish me luck!


Oh god… now that I think about it, I fear that too. Im pretty sure some idiot is going to end up really hurt due to stupidity

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You can’t fix stupid. Trying to stop it is futile.


No matter how idiot proof, they’re always going to build a better idiot.


That ship sailed so long ago…we live in the era of increasing ‘selfie deaths’ 2019 ‘hurt due to stupidity’ is a way of life :wink:

I’ll be honest I worry about myself getting my hands on a 26s… double 13 already makes sense in my head :slight_smile:

One think I’d like to add about the jst connectors, on my vescs I end up soldering my wires to the pins under the board as opposed to using the jst connectors because I wanted it to be flat as possible to keep the enclosure slim with the connectors sticking up it was too tall for my taste. Possible for jst connectors on the sides? Especially the flat little focer design that could use side jst connectors.

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You’ll still have the bulk capacitors standing 18mm tall off of the board even when they’re horizontal. The caps will be taller than the JST connectors so it doesn’t do any good to bypass the JST connectors.


84V is 20S.


If you make it open source, it might not actually damage your business much at all. Instead, just build a brand and keep really good quality & quality control. I think people will be willing to pay more to have 100% confidence that it will work or that if there is an issue that you can warranty.

I know I’d pay a lot just for knowing that quality control is a priority. If you make it open source, people still likely won’t have the time or know how to build it themselves so that shouldn’t reduce your customer base either.


Possible to Lay the caps down?

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