Some New FOCers (84V VESC 6 based controllers)

I’m liking this 25mm limit. It allows for longer and more effective heat sink fins on the enclosure.

To be fair. Since the voltage is higher, a double stack pack makes more sense. So 25mm or 35mm prob wouldn’t be that much of a big deal :smiley:

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Cool! I’ll keep that in mind just in case I need yet more height but I think 25mm will be sufficient to optimize the enclosure for heat sinking purposes. I’m really trying to make thermal management good for my controller especially since there won’t be much airflow in esk8 applications.


2 Questions,

Is this 84v safe for 20s? or is it 84V like the regular vesc is 60v lul!
Will it have an onboard IMU?

I want to pair one of these with a gotway MSX motor and make a killer custom EUC.


Yes I’m indeed designing it to be safe with 84V. That’s the real max operating voltage :slight_smile:

As far as the IMU goes.
I’ve been informed that the recent VESC tool update has IMU support. I originally didn’t want to include the IMU to keep the price that much lower. I’m currently evaluating this and seeing just how much adding it affects costs. I have room for it in the design…


I added a self balancing app that will be in the next release as well.


I sent vedder my old electric unicycle thingie two weeks back. Bet he already took it apart and played enough to do something constructive with it. Include the IMU :wink:


Cool! Hopefully I can find a good deal on the IMU IC Ben is using. Stock for it doesn’t seem to be widespread though…

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There is support for a few IMUs and actually the mpu9X50 isn’t the best anyways. Also the mpu6050 altough undocumented/officialy supported works fine on the 9X50 setting. If you use an alternate IMU, you’d just need a custom hwconf.

Side note tho: I bought an external bmi160 for testing but i couldn’t get it working :frowning:


Thanks for the heads up here! Would you be able to list out which IMUs are known to be compatible? I’ll have to write my own hardware configuration files anyways to account for the higher operating voltage and a few other things.


Looks like current master branch is coded to support all of


In both internal and external configurations.

I plan on debugging my BMI160, i just haven’t done yet. My MPU9250 didn’t work at first either, and it was simply a missing i2c address, which i submitted a fix for.


Thanks! I actually asked about the BMI160 on the VESC forum. I can get those cheaper than the MPU9250. Let me know if you find any bugs with the BMI160!


Will try to remember to do. I’m just one data point. BMI160 is supposed to work.


Cool. Looks like I’ll take a crack at it myself. With any luck the FOCers will have IMU capabilities as well!


Personally I’d vote that the IMU not be included. First to keep the price that much lower. Also because I’ve worked with IMU’s that range from less than $10 to more than $10,000. How would you know which IMU is appropriate for a given user’s application.

IMU support… great. But including the hardware… not a great idea in my opinion.

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i’d say the specific application is a unicycle, I will findout next weeked if Ben was successfull or not. If he was, the he choise is good enough for that specific purpose.

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Maybe I can design in the IMU footprint but simply not populate it for those that don’t want it? Maybe this could be an optional feature that one could request during the ordering process? The price would then be a bit higher for those want the IMU.


It is frustrating that you can get an IMU break out board from ebay for 1/4 the cost of the imu chip itself from a supplier.

I understand if others don’t want the price raised by 5$+

For me the big issue is that, without an internal IMU, i cant have bluetooth on any self balancing vehicle (not just unicycles). Because the external I2C and UART lines are shared.

Im ok with populating the circuit myself, i was actually going to suggest it. preferably it would be somewhere easy to access & apply safely.

I don’t know much about circuit design, but maybe you could expose 4 holes like an unpopulated pin thingy, to connect an imu breakout board, rather than a surface mount imu itself. This is easier to attach and breakout boards are apparently cheaper. I don’t know if this will actually work, and i don’t know what all the supporting hardware on a breakout board is, and if you were planning on adding all that stuff to the board. SO MUCH I DON’T KNOW!!!


I’m very biased, because I want it build it in :slight_smile:

But I think FOCer it will be very widely used, not just eskate, euc or Onewheel, mostly since the balance function is implemented in the official firmware then is going to be a lot easy to people to mess with it, in ways we don’t think now.
Actually this could be the second ESC vesc with imu available, there is not much options right now just vesc 6+ from trampa Is the only one.
And in the end 5 bucks will not make a big difference on the time of purchase.
Options as colors, nonetheless.
At some point I understand in esk8 forum no body want it, there is not use for it, yet.
@ziplock just curious, what’s your point about not include it in the hardware, it seems you have some experience in the field.


I2C is a multi device interface tho ^^