Some New FOCers (84V VESC 6 based controllers)

great, let’s hope beta runs smooth. Good luck!


Is the gyro imu on some/all of these?

Would love to get one in my broken OW asap :smile:

Even if it’s not, I have some MPU6050 sitting here!


The design has an integrated BMI160 like the CFOC2. I intend to include It for the testers that want it


Ooh nice! On board Bluetooth. Will it support t̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶d̶ *nrf controllers?


Not sure what the wand is.

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VESC WAND REMOTE soon to arrive from the future

Ah yes. Thank you for the link.

Ever since this project started I have been eyeing off my lawnmower battery.


84v! I’m excited and then wondering how I can find a motor with low enough kv. Everyone is going to have to rewind or re-terminate their motors.


Some folks are just going to go faster :rofl:


For some give drives I was making I asked companies to make custom Kv motors.
Flipsky for instance made me 4 low KV motor. I also have 6384 55Kv motors.
Alien has 130kv motor in stock. HK I think has few low Kv.
In case of ebike or escooters they hare already really low.
Just to give few solutions.

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So if i did it right, this should support the VESC Bluetooth accessories and VESC App.


:thinking: I got to some independent digging and it looks like that BT module is based on the nrf51822 which wont support NRF controllers? Or at least i haven’t been able to get any of my nrf51822 to work with NRF controllers. I still don’t understand it all.


I thought it was a matter of the amount of RAM. 16KB vs 32KB

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I have a few with 32KB of ram, but when i flash them through the VESC i only see the same firmwares as my 16KB ones and they don’t work with my wand. Maybe I need to flash it a different way? :face_with_monocle: This whole NRF thing confuses me.

edit I see support for the wand in the nrf51 repo, gonna try it lol


:weary: Many wasted hours later, it turns out the ones sold to me as 32k are actually 16k, the VESC detects them as 16k and when i manually flash the 32k firmware they don’t work. So 16k :expressionless:


Sorry to hear that man…but at least it means that a real 32KB NRF51822 could and should fully support the VESC bluetooth accessories

Ill believe it when i see it.

It would be cool if there was a remote only 16k firmware, then i could use 2 of them with different firmwares LOL! I looked at the code but I’m in way over my interest level.

Im kinda surprised nobody is selling BLE adapters that support NRF, one could slap that chip (or even a 50Q) on a lil jst-xh breakout board from JLCPCB, flash the firmware, and turn a profit pretty easy. I’m kinda considering doing it myself. Maybe i just haven’t looked around enough, and most wand users are probably happy enough to scoop up a trampa module.

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Max sold a few

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I remember that vedder ran the firmware on both 51 and 52, if I’m not misstaken he had stability issues on the 16kb so he pulled support for it entirely.

I also got some NRF modules from him that are like 5 bucks a pop from china. They work well so far. You had to add add a cap between power and ground tho cause the module died occacionally to power dropout :joy: