Hi there forum.esk8.news! From what I’ve seen, this is a fantastic community and I’m really excited to get started in esk8 and be a part of it. I’m new to electric skateboarding, used to longboard ~5 years ago and stopped after college. Finally have some extra time and money to get back into it. I’m also an engineer and a maker so I thought this would be an awesome project to take on. While I’m a quick learner and capable builder (plenty of experience with electronics, 3d printing, etc.), I could use some help getting started with a few topics. I’ve been lurking for a while now, soaking up as much information as I can, but I have a few questions that I would really appreciate some direct assistance with. Or if you can point me to any topics/threads that I may have overlooked that would be excellent as well!
So here’s where I’m at right now. I’m looking to build a respectably powerful board. I don’t see myself going downhill at 45mph+ anytime soon, but would like to be able to have the option for more power in the future. Will use mostly for commuting around flat, relatively decent pavement in Denver. But again, would really like the option at least to be able to handle some decent hills as well as perhaps AT in the future if possible. Cost isn’t a huge factor, although I would like to keep the total below $2k.
Drive System
At first it seemed like direct drives would be a great choice, and I have spent a lot of time looking at the torqueboards 75kV DD kit (@torqueboards). This would no doubt be a solid option, but after reading some dissenting opinions, I’m starting to think I should explore gear drives a bit more. I really don’t know where to begin on gear drives. I’ve read a bit about the different vendors and tradeoffs, but if anyone could point me to some useful resources on these - or convince me that direct or gear is right for me - any feedback would be appreciated! I will say that one of the big pros to direct drive for me is the ability to push without the motor. I also like the idea of not sounding like a jet engine roaring by, but some amount of noise probably wouldn’t bother me much. Not quite sure how gear drive compares in these categories.
I’m really interested in somewhat flexier decks, from back in my longboarding days. I’ve seen a lot of builds with the loaded Icarus flex 1, and so far I’ve been pretty set on going with that deck. I realize there are some challenges with a flexy deck, and it may be less than ideal for top speed and downhill, but would like to make it work if possible. However, depending on the rest of my setup, I could be convinced to go with a different option (LY switchblade or evo) if that would clearly be the better choice.
My biggest concern with the Icarus deck is making a custom enclosure that can fit and protect all of the electronics and a fairly large battery. I’ve seen a few threads on this that have inspired me to look into the custom 3d-printed route (build from @TranxFu) (Icarus enclosure discussion from @eBoosted and @Deckoz). I would consider buying from the eBoosted shop or using the file @TranxFu shared on thingiverse, but would like a bigger battery (12s4p) if possible and more ability to customize my layout. Does this route seem feasible for this deck? There are some comments in those threads about larger batteries (12s4p) being difficult for the space, but nothing really concrete. Would love some additional feedback on if this seems like a good way to go or too difficult for the trouble.
As I said, looking for a fairly large battery, as one of the things that put me off of the Revel and similar kits (besides wanting more DIY) was the range and power available with the smaller battery. Beyond that, I know very little about the battery choice for these builds. Would 12s4p be plenty of power? Should I consider 10s4p? I’m interested in making a custom battery, but if I could buy one that would fit my space and work for me I’d consider that as well. Are there any essential threads on battery choice / making DIY battery packs that someone could point me to?
This is where I still have some more research to do. Not sure on VESC choice and any other remaining electronics components, but haven’t yet spent a ton of time pouring over threads on these subjects. Is there any essential reading I should get to wrt VESC, controllers, or any other electronic components for my build? Any parts that are hand-down the best option for my build that others could recommend?
I think that covers it for now. I’m really looking to start buying parts soon so I can finish the build in the next month or two before the weather starts to get colder. Sorry if any of my questions are a little bit basic for the DIY Builds topic. Really appreciate anyone taking the time to respond to my post and looking forward to any sort of feedback the community can offer. Thanks!