So do only direct / hub drive boards not lock up with electronic faults ?

I only have antidotal experience with this, but I’ve seen so many Esk8’s lock up or have faults that cause a “micro lock up” usually esc issues.
But I have never seen it happen on a hub motor / direct drive board, can it not happen with them ?

I saw someone on fb group who got messed up on a meepo and ppl were commenting that it’s because of the bms being used for discharge but I’ve had a board lock up that didn’t even have a bms.

I’m not aware of any feature inherent to hub motor builds that would make them immune from a lock-up type failure.

Might be a sampling bias issue? Most lockups happen on DIY boards, and very few DIY boards use hub motors.

Most hub boards are commercial, and commercial boards are generally more reliable. Pure speculation though.


Side thought, even if a short happens it would just enable the “brakes” of the motor. And maybe that “breaking” of the motors is just amplified on other boards because of the gear ration ? Making it more noticeable / deadly ?

I also might just be dumb and lucky lol.

i read a bunch of stuff can cause a halt both internal and external

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At high power levels, even a cutout (momentary loss of power) feels like a lockup, even if no braking current is involved.

Given that hub motors typically have lower power levels, it could also partially explain the perceived imbalance.