Skullboard motors. Good, good, good, good vibrations

Originally published at:

If you’re even mall walker active in the electric skateboard world, you’ve no doubt seen airless 105mm rubber hub wheels. They first showed up with the Skullboard offerings, followed swiftly by similar setups from Diyeboards and then Ownboard. Mine came from SkullBoard as the “Airless Wheels Kit” and included front trucks, the rear hub motors/trucks, the esc/remote, and a set of risers. I have a metric ton of decks already, so I threw them on one of my Rayne Hustler decks.

They came packaged along with the clueless hyperbolic bullshit that only Chinese manufacturers can say with a straight face. To quote:

High-performance Electric Skateboards with Big Rubber Wheels, Powerful 350w dual hub-motor electric skateboard with serious range. More powerful, More range. Free & Fast Shipping. Get yours now.

Now that we’ve been deeply moved by poetry, let’s get knee deep in the muck.

To address these marketing points in order: High-performance? No. Big rubber wheels? Well, yes, so one for the plus column. Powerful 350w hub motors? Again, no. More powerful? Okay, now I’m getting pissed. NO. More range? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT.

Now comes the time in the article where I tell you to avoid these pieces of crap like they come coated in Ebola-tainted blood. But I’m not going to do that, because I like them. A lot.

What’s to like?

They’re slow but reliable. They handle wet sections of road like a champ. (I don’t purposely ride in the rain but shit happens.) Acceleration is poor but top speed is not bad. (I MIGHT be a wuss.) They make bad tarmac feel pretty damn decent. They may vibrate at low speeds but they glide nicely at speed where I am 85% of the time. The ESC/remote combo is as smooth as butter.
They eat range for lunch but this is easily fixed with a good battery. We’re talking the best battery you can afford.

Maybe that doesn’t sound all that exciting to you, but I’m not always looking for exciting. For instance, take my other forms of transport. For most of my adult life, I’ve usually had a decent truck/SUV and a liter-class sportbike. Because sometimes I just want to get where I’m going and other times I want to pucker my exhaust port a little.

This drivetrain has become the ultra reliable SUV I’ve been missing lately. My DIY board is my sport bike, and my old Meepo is my “forgot to charge the other boards” backup plan.

They’re not perfect. Neither are you.

Still, there are some who will fault this drivetrain for not being perfect out of the box. Chances are, these are the same people who want to speak to the manager about the smallest perceived slight.

If you want to be the first one to get something, guess what? You’re a test rider in all but name. First implementations of even really great ideas often involve trade-offs. If you want a guarantee of perfection, buy yourself a Honda hatchback and fill it with stuffed animals.

That said, a few tips: (1) Check your hardware often, or invest in some blue loctite. They rattled free on me once and I ended up surfing my enclosure until I could judo roll out if it. (They’re solid AF. No issues after coming loose and launching down the path a bit.) (2) They’re heavy, so don’t expect to be carrying them for extended distances.

If you’re looking for a nice poor weather option or something for seriously bad sections of pavement (they’re not true all-terrain options), this Skullboard setup fills that need nicely. I know I’ll be grabbing the next version of these wheels to see what improvements have been made. Until then, my esk8 SUVs will be used every time the conditions call for it.


was able to balance out the wheel

We all know Karen.

Ma’am, this is a arby’s


Outraged with skullboard.
Llevo 7 meses esperando mi compra, intentando contactar con skullboard sin obtener respuesta a mis mensajes, que no han sido pocos, via maíl, Facebook, etc… hasta que desesperado, reclame a paypal. Solo entonces se pusieron en contacto conmigo y tras intercambiar varios mensajes, retire la reclamación como me pidió skullboard, a cambio de volver a enviarmelo. Pero han vuelto a exceder el plazo de días que me prometieron y no e recibido el paquete ni confirmación alguna del envío. Yo solamente quiero lo que e pagado y olvidar este asunto que francamente esta acabando con mi paciencia, empezando a preocuparme y ponerme mas que nervioso, moral y economicame, ya que el precio que pague se acerca al total de mi sueldo. Por todo esto me veo obligado y con razones de sobra a denunciar, en foros, y redes sociales, la situación que ya es un abuso y una tomadura de pelo

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Google translate:
I have been waiting for my purchase for 7 months, trying to contact skullboard without getting a response to my messages, which have not been few, via mail, Facebook, etc … until desperate, claim PayPal. Only then did they contact me and after exchanging several messages, I removed the claim as skullboard asked me, in exchange for sending it back to me. But they have again exceeded the period of days they promised me and I have not received the package or any confirmation of the shipment. I only want what I have paid and forget this matter that frankly is ending my patience, starting to worry and get more than nervous, moral and economical, since the price I pay is close to the total of my salary. For all this I am forced and with reasons to report, in forums, and social networks, the situation that is already an abuse and a tease.


Thanks for the translation, Michael.

Hi Fran-

Sorry to hear that you’re having a lousy experience with Skullboard. My transaction was trouble-free, but they have clearly dropped their standards since then.

One thing we have learned the hard way
as a community: never drop your PayPal claim once you’ve set it in motion. We’ve been burned by promises many times, and a company that only responds when you get PayPal involved is a sign that they are a bad bet.

Hope things somehow turn your way…


This is an understatement. Once you do that, you might never get anything. :frowning:

Esto es un eufemismo. Una vez que haces eso, es posible que nunca obtengas nada. :frowning:


I just bought a second set of these awful drives from joe… to make into a 4wd average board,for science

stay tuned to this station

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I look forward to this horrible development. Mine still run, but the vibrations got worse over time so have not used in quite a while.

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I chopped off the horrible in-balanced rubber and bolted up some decent 'thane, hey I kin ride this… it ain’t pretty, and it’s not performance… but it’s somewhat fun…

but I’m a masochist

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Please share photos of your experiments. I is fascinated.

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I do weird shit for science

I have a set of these purchased dirt cheap, one is currently rewound, need to do the other, then I plan to diy thane them as well with a 3d printed mold, for science!

Here’s one mid wind



I have the same project on my list…
can you share your wiring scheme and wire thickness and turns?
are you simply rewinding to get close to stock, but with better wrapping and copper fill?

I’ve found an old thread on builders where these motors were rewound LRK pattern WYE… he tried 15 turns with 2 * 21AWG, and last was leaning towards about 20 turns to get some torque back into these horrible motors… He claimed his motor ended up at 113Kv, but I think that was more of a quess than science…

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Followed the same thread. I believe his first attempt was 10 turns for 113kv, he was able to pump 60 amps through it instead of the factory windings at 30 amps but as he said it lacked torque. I don’t recall the gauge wire I used off hand but it’s thicker and I got 13 turns, i think I calculated 80 something kv but it’s been a while since I did the first motor. I wasn’t worried about torque at the time, Florida is flat.