sk8tedad's cave of BS no build here

pigeon poop pattern on fleek :cold_face:

I think I had 600-800 miles on my board before the DavegaX was installed. So here are the roughly 2000+ miles stats. The board and entire experience has been such a positive.

Before I got this SKP custom build I was seriously considering giving the activity( sport?) up.

When my MetroboardX craped out on me and I burst the giant cyst on my hip, I lay there bleeding and had decided I was done. So many failures, so much money, So much people telling me “ you are too old for this, act your age🤬” So many walks of shame. I don’t know how many of you have walked home in a leather suit and armor, dragging a 50# board in total darkness, at 1 am , but let me assure you it BLOWS! Your mileage will NOT vary.

I think my actual top speed is 51 mph not 55




i think i saw him in my trash can last night

My father in law passed away today after a full life of 91 years. I’ll take this opportunity to remind you to call your older loved ones, they will not be around forever. A simple call means so much to them. Take care everyone.


This is with the good tubes right? I’ve honestly given up on the v1 version of these tires.


I seem to remember you wanting a Llama or a Khymera. Thought you might want to see this:


SWEET! :pray:t6: thank you!

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@Sk8tedad my hate for pneumatics stems from changing tubes on the side and having a blowout at 37mph dumping me.
This was my solution:

It doesn’t give me trust that they won’t blow, but makes wheel swaps a 2 minute process and keeps the backpack lighter.

Thane is still king though…


I love this idea, thank you for sharing


I got 5 miles up the road and flat rd, rode home to swap and missed the sunrise
I do like that I can nurse it home though


I’m enjoying making my TB 110s sound like jello through a straw on heavy breaking . I’m glad it only goes 36 mph, because I’d go faster and crash. Thane is much less forgiving. I’m loving it because my roads are all fresh paved , like black glass


Well shit!

Crap on a cracker ! :poop:

Careful about braking hard on the TBs, I believe they’ve been known to delam

Is this just the blue 72A, or other versions you’re aware of? (Not counting the 130s, of course.)

I only recall issues with the blue ones.


Hmm ! Interesting, thanks
I wonder if I should switch to the black ones

dang, looks like one of your gears isn’t cooperating?

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im avoiding opening it up, they seem to be on strike for the abuse ive been heaping on them . Im bummed, it just stoped raining here. Someone needs to make the road bikers feel slow going down hill. Bless their spandex clad hearts,they try so hard to catch me. Yesterday one said at the bottom of the himm after i was there for 5 minutes " i almost caught you" i didnt have the heart to tell him iwas taking it easy(im such an arrogant fuck)