Simple way to mirror my phone to a screen wirelessly?

Gear s3 doesn’t have android on it. If you know any esk8-related apps for it let me know, i looked everywhere

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I’m not aware of any watch that has a screen-on battery life longer than 2-3 hours. Also, they are either too shit to even see in sunlight, no waterproofing, etc, or in the £200+ range

I saw those those settings, didn’t work. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t try myself. I also got a response from the metr guy saying that Android Wear is very low priority for him.

You sir are a genius, just put a 5v USB converter so the phone is always charged

Ahh okay, I have a Tizen watch so I have never actually tested, thats annoying that the options there but it doesn’t work.

Did you follow the Metr watch setup on the metr pro site?

Great option I have thought about. The most important thing I would like is a small screen inside my helmet that would show me my duty cycle so I don’t get a jolt when reaching max speed in accel. I know trampa fw has duty cycle limit… but still, anything unexpected that happens at 50, 60 km/h+ really scares me. Thank you all for the suggestions

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What you need is some form of throttle bar/gauge that can be in your line of sight. You’re not really going to read percentages at that speed (and if you do, you’re probably no longer focusing on the road).

Btw, you can reach full duty cycle before you reach the actual max erpm where you get the jolt.
Duty cycle stays the perfect correct value where it is expected to maintain a certain speed (cue duty cycle control mode where current can be any value and erpm can be any value UP TO what the math says the speed will be)

Last bit of useless information: any android device has to have some specific capabilities, among which you can find bluetooth and wifi. Bang for the buck

Here is what he said about Android wear. Everything he said is right and I agree, I just hate being excluded for not being in the Apple authoritarian regime.

Edit: I was wrong, it is fixed apparently .

This is no longer true, metr app is currently working on Android Wear for quite some time

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I am glad to hear it! Sorry for the outdated info. Keep up the great work!

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@Esk8_Spirit metr audio announcements is something you could try maybe?


I plan on getting those shoulder speakers and using this to avoid having to look at a screen while riding.


My Samsung gear s3 outlasts my board. I use it on every ride to change songs playing in my helmet.
The only reason I’ve never bought a metr and never will is the fact Tizen will never be supported. I love my watch and have no use for yet another thing that requires I take my phone out for info.

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You could make a Piphone and wrist mount it, but that would take a lot of work to implement not to mention you’d need a custom case for it. If you don’t have a 3d printer or the knowledge to work a raspberryPi You’re better off getting a davegax.

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My gear s3 wouldn’t last half a day with the screen on.
Battery life goes from 5 days to almost 2 days with aod on.
Aaand, yeah… android wear is hot garbage compared to tizen :confused: no metr for me either, not worth it

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On a normal day I have the aod on. When I ride, I set it to turn off whenever I flick my wrist. You can turn it by simply touching anything on it

The flick drives me crazy during the night and works whenever it wants to while driving at work. Aod seems to turn off by itself when it realises you’re sleeping

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Seems simple enuff…

True I could use that, thanks. Could you add the attribute “duty cycle” please

Yes, it should be easy, I can do that for the next update

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