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Ouch @mtsmithies. Gnarly break. What happened?

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Rehab time!

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I could barely climb stairs with the massive scab, just painful bending the knee.
Rubbed it off during a long bath and… well let’s just say it was better on there.

Fuck you bmw driver


This is what happens when your motor stutters at 45mph and you speed wobble: Fractured hand, face scraped with helmet on, right shoulder all screwed up, big scrape to the elbow.


I bet that was scary glad your okay :call_me_hand:


Luckily my friend who’s a medic was with us and we were out on a road where my friend could ride back and pick me up with his car. I’m at home smoking weed and they gave me some oxy so I’m slowly feeling better :sweat_smile:


That’s good also ice and heat is good then when your feeling better rehabilitate and stretch :smiley:


Appreciate the love! :heart:


Oh no! That sucks. Heal up quick!


Again. Same arm as last time. Thin skin that was still healing didn’t really like a slide on gravel. Anybody got recommendations on good elbow pads? MTB spec maybe?


Tsg for everything


Little morning wipe out :sweat_smile:, Got lucky there was no car coming behind me. Something hit my calf, don’t know what but this hurts more than the rest.



Oh no. What the hell happened to Justin lol

It’s like he is been mauled by a bear.

Did you fall too? @Jansen


These are a lil bit of older pics of @BSHeezie13 and my other buddy Bryan who always said he was good enough to not wear a helmet, hence the blood on his head in the pic proving his theory a complete foulacy/falacy/folocy/foulocee ???.. is that a real word or am I making shit up. Seriously curious… for any English/grammar majors out there.

Any, can we please lock in a GR (of the fast orientation) for this weekend… I am heading back from AZ tomorrow so will definitely be around and feening after not being able to ride to much in this 105+ degree weather where I’ve been the last week or so. Just got 4 new motors a couple of days ago and his GD’s from , I got my heat-sink installed and running my shit at a consistent 20(ish)% degrees less than before so thermal throttling is nill, or at least pretty close to non-consistent, even with my fat ass on it hard going up hills. STOKED.

LMK, I know @On1yBluu said he wants to join in for it too.

Late afternoon on Sunday… whatty’all say…? HMMMM HMMM HMMMMMMMMM.

@ahrav @370HSSV @BluPenguin @Mikenopolis @Arzamenable @BSHeezie13 @On1yBluu @scrubski @mccloed @DEEIF and anyone else I am being reatrded about and forgetting… @kook


Where were you at in AZ? I was there last week, was hot as hell.

And I’ll be at one soon brother, you know why :love_you_gesture:t3:

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My pad in havasu, where were you? Its hot, but not as bad when I was here last in July when it was literally 125 degrees. Shit was brutal. It actually drops down to nice at night till the sun comes up this time of year.

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Lake mead, 112F on the water, 85F water temps :love_you_gesture:t3: We were on the water from 7am til 8pm everyday, friends boat.

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Sunday where? I might be available…board is questionable. I just installed new cross bars after the last one vibrated to the point the threads fell out.

Be there :call_me_hand: let’s do etttttt.

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